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Everything and everyone change
No, it stays the same as long as you do?...
Quiet… keep your mouth shut
Dont say anything
You cant let them know
Cant let them know who you are…just a certain version 1.2.3…whatever…whoever
Dont let them know you are hurting especially when they hurt you
Act like everything is okay and it will be?
Tell the truth but only the good things
Healthy serving of abandonment fakeness disrespectfulness aggregation manipulation frustration!!
You cant tell them that
They will switch on you
Saying WE will work it out but that really means shut up
They wont understand but say they will because thats what we are programmed to say
Never really meaning it but, its the nat-ura-lly ro-bo-tic thing to say…just the way they intended.
Everything and everyone change…  SHHH…
We cant let them know we know that they
Masquery lies to convince you its the truth…or is it themselves?
Disillusionment spreading world wide is the NEW in the homes of families and loved ones.
Welcome it or get cast away
Make sure to have your different shades of smiles and laughter
No tears…its for the weak
Have to show you are happy even when not because its the RIGHT thing to do.  THE REAL!
THE REAL doesnt exist but only to…
Shh…dont say no more before they find out
Here they come…damn…take out your smile
Slap it ready?
Good…cause everyone and everything DONT change… they’re upset you did…
NOW shut up and smile.

Copyright © C0C0 Phoenix319


Book: Shattered Sighs