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You walked into my life and turn it upside down, you were certain that I could wear the golden crown, you have been following me from I was a child and you made several stories, books and movie but until this day, I have not seen a dime for all the useless sacrifice.
The people tell you that I am cute and I am the prime of your youth, you said that I have ambition and high aspiration, you never asked me what I want to be you put a price On me, you took me to the action block and you sell my youthful frocks.
You carry me round in stroller and sometimes you hoist me upon your shoulder, with my cloth diaper resting on your head and baby smell absorb in your bed, you watch me grow from infant in the show until the director was ready to go and now a new season begin and I was force to create a brand new hymn.
I knew what I wanted to be so I hang out every day by sea, watching big waves   rolling in and fishermen in dugout boat selling snappers and mullet fish and trout to overbearing market women in fine market robes bargaining by the sea.
Let me go a few years back and tell you a story about the village men, they used to wait for the young girls in the bushes and scare them with dirty words, words that are demoralizing, words that  are heart-breaking, words that nobody wants to hear, words that that make your body quiver.
Every morning at day break, I used to walked seven miles from Dover across the river to the nearest crossing to catch the country bus going into the town, it’s usually packed like sardine, and the men are famous to do up-skirting in the early morning and the young girls had no way out, they could not scream or shout they stood silent in the crowded country bus taking the abuse from strange men, while market women with their apron on yawn with mouth open wide penning the profit in their head and thinking about the goods pile on top of their head on the bus top above them; they were getting their emotion in place for the early morning rush. That is how country women pray.
You make several plans for me and nobody asked me what motivates me, my ambitious goals are already achieved and I am not interested in the one that you have planned for me. The other goals that I have in mind will soon be accomplished with much sacrifice, the way is already set and I want you to have serious interview with the merchant of death. He has escaped additional prison time for the basketball star and a Kremlin guitar, there is one more deal to make and ambition will push you straight thought gate
My ambition is to live a peaceful life and travel the universe before I die, I want to climb Mount Fuji, visit the Eifel tower and go sky diving for an hour.

 I want to do Bungee Jumping in the sun, and soak in the bath when the day is done. I want to write a couple books and create some revolutionary design, I have too much to occupy my time , my ambition is to pursue my own interest until I breath the final breath.

I am not ambitious but I am educated, I am not ambitions but I can wear the ring, I still have goals that I want to achieve so don’t over crowd me with your zeal, if you are ambitious, you must learn to read, don’t force your ambition on someone else, leave them alone to choose for themselves. 

I have no ambition but I have goals to achieve so set me free so that I can complete them.

Copyright © Christine Phillips


Book: Reflection on the Important Things