The sun and the moon
Two things make the world bright;
The sun , The moon .
Governing the morning,
Governing the night.
Sending away darkness and grief .
Two things make our life bright;
The sun , The moon.
Guiding and caring
Even though there are reason to mourn.
Two things make the world beautiful;
The sun, The moon.
One is cooler,
The other is brighter.
One care for morning,
The other when needed.
Two things make life liveable;
The sun , The moon.
One source for the survival of all,
The other wait and care.
Two things make life bright;
The sun , The moon.
Both ensure life is bright.
When jealousy takes over,
Both comfort.
Oh nature !
The world is indebted to thee,
Make the day bright,
And yet never complain
Through hard times.
Two things make life inevitable;
Copyright ©
Simeon Ojo