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Place On Earth God Named--and You're Wrong

It can even be misconstrued as ... A.I. 
Mayhaps 'Creation', hm ... read it again. 
I know Adam was chosen to lead off in that direction and all those after him--and nobody said stop, not even after the planet Mars, a name attributed a deity.

Jerusalem grant stemmed
Bethlehem be condemned

What kind of God He is 
having no teachers His


The shores of Galilee
sea Peter faith fell he

Galilee be Dead Sea
Peter sunk not to be

A Calvinist earn claim
Horeb like Sinai same

Divergence flanks said he
East West faces they'd be

Eden's Garden not His
we post-label purpose

God name no Earth places 
Termed from human races

Copyright © Hilo Poet


Book: Shattered Sighs