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Phenomenal Survivors

"Phenomenal Survivors"
                                Words can not express  
                              how phenomenal you are
                             You are the best, of the best 
                                 The true dream team 
                                   of ultimate success.
                                "Phenomenal Survivors"
                             I wear a pink ribbon for thee
                                  For you are surviving 
                                    the storm that has 
                              consumed so many beings
                               And to share your stories
                                   so others are aware,
                                Is just an amazing thing                       
                                 "Phenomenal Survivors"
                                Your journey is not done
                        keep educating us on early detection                            
                              Frequent exams, staying fit,
                                      and eating well,                                 
                                 the gear by which to sail
                                "Phenomenal Survivors"
                                       "That you are"
                                         Thank you
                               for being amongst us today
                           For as long as we have survivors,
                        we can continue fighting the storms!!!

Copyright © Yolanda Scott | Year Posted 2015

A Golf Limerick

While a man was golfing in Fife
a funeral cortege was arife,

       his head bowed in prayer
       at this somber affair

to pay last respects to his wife!

Copyright © Thvia Shetley | Year Posted 2010

Park Life

The ants and the beetles were all celebrating
As I wed the spider that I had been dating
And soon sixteen legs would be consolidating
I could say eighteen but that’s exaggerating

But all of a sudden the ground was vibrating
We tried to get clear but the plants were gyrating
We made for a drain with a safe metal grating
To hide from the beast and it’s red armour plating

We froze at the passage the beast was creating
By severing grass with its twin blades rotating
In fear of our lives we then started debating
To run off together or try separating

A not so near miss meant I’ll never be mating
Sometimes the obvious doesn't need stating
At least while my wife finds that rather frustrating
I won’t be her lunch when we’re done consummating

We tried to escape with some skilful pond skating
It helped that the air machine wasn't aerating
But there was a fountain that was agitating
The surface too much which was infuriating

I turned to the man and began contemplating
If spiders could ever do human castrating
But soon he was done and he started inflating
A pool with a puncture, he found that deflating

Reward and his effort were not correlating
And that made him mad, made him start salivating
And just when we thought that he might be fixating
His face went all blank and his eyes were dilating

He glared at us spiders, his ire not abating
So we thought it best to be reciprocating
But he had a brick in his hand elevating
I’ll tell you right now, that was not constipating

Perhaps it’s now time for some quick relocating
This isn’t the fate I was anticip.....

Copyright © Terry Flood | Year Posted 2018

A Sacred Place

I want to cut holes in my soul and let the light burst out.
I want to dance on the darkness of my beginning, 
a moment bringing light to a universe I don't know,
yet walk with every moment.

Angels of light and dark hover beside me singing primal songs.
Songs that glide through the cave of my ears.
Songs that I recognize,
Songs that I forget the moment I hear them.
Songs that hum with every breath.
Do you hear the songs?

Will I know your light, your darkness?
Can I communicate to you beyond skin, beyond blood, beyond bone?
Is it possible to breathe together in this vacuum?
I'm afraid of no definition-- no line to describe us-- 
Yet my sense of completion comes from a vision of obliterated form.

Can we light our way by touch?
Under the shade of stars, will my lips find you?
Lips with no words, telling you all I am.
Lips that are greedy and eager to please.
Lips that love you.

In complete darkness, the place where I stand alone,
we are chilled by emptiness, warmed by light that doesn't shine.
Light that's a memory in black, a loving encased by shadow,
pierced by fire--small, clear and consuming.

Show me the way to you.
Show me the way to all........
A place I can feel hot wax on my skin that shouts,
"This is a sacred place."

Copyright © Tamra Amato | Year Posted 2009

PC' Political Correct

People with choice they call freedom
What once was now history past 
Breaking down of society cold war fought
New gen, feelings hurt as truth hidden
Speak no words that they offend the obvious
No longer mankind, words we fail to live 
PC (Political Correct) we watch world's dissolve 

We dare to speak of reality realistic
Condemned all that we believe in ourselves
That we are wrong, not to fall weakness
Society ways and sin I do not deny
I turn eyes, unable to run from lie's
We, the racist ones ridicule 
Because we are not like them I stand 
Different man not of woman am I to be 
I, the fallen victim of society doing

It's they who are racist a statue falls 
Blacks oppressed, even bird name offends 
Ones heart not pure that hatred lives 
Behind fake smile, closed door person exist 
South, a target when all world is guilty
The same as others, still a slave in conviction
But the flag you fly, guilty be price of freedom
PC (Political Correct) control, gun's, want your soul 

God's denied, big bang reason of existence
Not chicken before the egg we decide
Upon ourselves, theory of opinion is pushed 
Not all that we was built or created
But optimistic belief to falsely accuse truth
We condemn thee, you do not side with world 
But cause you are against the world you are not correct 

Copyright © Steve Harvell | Year Posted 2024

Pulling Together

Pulling Together

It took the world a tragedy
To pull together
Comforting as a hen
Pulls in her chicks under her feathers
Its sad it took this to show love
When the day before
Many pushed and shoved
Why is that we got money for wars
But cant feed the poor
I see young faces full of pain
While tears flow like rain
What does it take to see
That one will not be free
Until turning from sin
For then their soul they shall win
Call on the mighty Lord
And repent using his sword

Copyright © Stephan McBride | Year Posted 2010

Not the Soup

~hanging on~

I wake, bright and early like the sun
I fall asleep a few seconds before dawn.

With a few hours of sleep
I found myself counting sheep.

Drinking  coffee before I leave
Found myself in a zone not even I believe

I kick the neighbors  dog real far
Tired of him barking before I get into my car

Turn my radio on real loud
Enjoying music loud and proud

I never late
I'm responsible in this job I hate

The owner taps the door and found me asleep
Up in my face like a creep.

He tells me I am lucky he can not work alone.
Why I insist of not waking him before I leave our home?

I bet he wishes he could fire me
I will not agree

As soon as I log out of the Poetry Soup I tell him when I'm done. 
When he goes to bed I still find myself roaming the Internet for fun :)

With a goodnight kiss, he asked, if I could give him some
I say just one more comment hun,  I'm  almost done

By 4:00 am I am still on the Soup.
He wakes up to the same situation
Yells at me, he grabs my laptop and then he........

                     S.K.A.T. POETRY

Copyright © Skat A | Year Posted 2010

A Smile at the End

Smiling up at oak tree leaves,
Sun shining through
Translucent glow, I know
This peace is fleeting as the wind.

I concentrate to preserve the time.
But shadows darken
Recent mind flow, I know
Thoughts of peaceful greeting must have an end.

Oak tree leaves die, finding eternity by
Once being branch of tree,
Then endure nature's toil,
Falling by age and wind.

By then bye they become soil,
All to begin again.
And so it will be with me.
A smile at the end.

Copyright © Scott Campbell | Year Posted 2024

The Crack

the wind blew open
a crack in the air

A smallish space
   so t'wd seem
squeezed just between 
the here and there.
‘Tis said 
   a good deed 
   an' a heartfelt prayer
can let one briefly stare
   into that space
where eyes may see
not quite be.

Copyright © Sarah Ann Jullion | Year Posted 2023


Of all the seasons in the year the one I am most anxious to see,
the one that follows the cold of winter, it reaches out to me.

In the evening you may catch the scent of new mown hay.
To remind us of what is coming, spring is on it's way.

Some morning you will hear the sweet song of a bird,
the cheerful red breast robin, wanting to be heard.

And you begin to see the fresh, new color of green,
like a painter's canvas, displaying a springtime scene.

The trees with buds, the new grass peeking through,
as if God was saying, "awaken" and the beauty of spring starts anew.

Copyright © Sandra L. Weiss | Year Posted 2018

Mother Has a Great Fall

Mother has a great fall
She fell out of my hands
She fell out of my eyes 
She fell behind the mountains 
She fell behind the sea
She fell away from the earth
Where did she go?
Somewhere I didn't know 
Where did she go ? 
Somewhere in the dark and cold
What did she left behind? 
A story of 88 years old
What did she left behind? 
Brothers, sisters and I, plus her gold

Copyright © Sai Lin Lip | Year Posted 2021

The Button At the Bottom of the Jar

Much like the “cracker jack prize”
At the bottom of the box
As candy lore goes.
That unique badge of honor
For those who would dive deep
To grasp the brass button.
Beware this lure full of 
Along the way you may yourself

Copyright © Randy Becknell | Year Posted 2024

You Are One

Good to know you are well loved there.
I can offer that from here,
but without presence, incomplete.
Yet there's something about knowing you,
that makes me braver, and more confident.
Love is rarely unadulterated.
It affects us in ways we may never know.
Forgive me because my heart is slower to learn,
what the swift mind beholds at every turn.
There are people in your life if you are very fortunate,
who brought you their untold gifts of laughter, with the tears,
love in unconventional ways, and widsom.
You are one.

Copyright © Randolph Byrd | Year Posted 2014

Cursed At Birth and Lonely

Such a romantic soul am I
But I live my life in limbo
As time flays by
Each day one step further
To the grave
Cursed by loneliness
Void of love I so need and crave.

It hurts so much when I am in town 
With so many women and couples around
Everyone seems to have someone but me
I am just another face in the crowd
That no one really sees
For I am invisible don't seem to measure up
Although I try to friendly and kind it's never good enough.

Everywhere I look sex is in my face
But I need so much more a tender touch
And warm embrace
It can't be normal to not be touched 
Or wanted by another human being
Loneliness took me to some dark places
I rather not have been.

I don't want to die alone
And be discovered dead in my bed
With fly's at the window pain
My heart feels like it's kicked like a football
My loneliness is killing me
And almost drove me insane.

Never truly loved never missed
No flowers or mourners at my funeral
I'll soon be dust and nothing at all.

But all I ever wanted was a wife and a child
I drink till I'm drunk to ease the pain
Each day I live a nightmare
I cannot change. 

Peter Dome,Copyright.2015. May.

Copyright © Peter Dome | Year Posted 2015


You are a rodent
                                                      to a snake if you walk in
                                                              its territory.

Pace, G


Copyright © Pace Ink-U-Script | Year Posted 2012


Panicked trips down the rabbit hole goes as follows,
Far beneath the depths and hollows.
Way before first breath of plaque,
Meaningless so void and vague.
Til death you see we meet again,
Born to die and live to sin.
Time is out and toll the bell,
Body in the wishing well.
The truth of lies is in between, 
No justice here, no peace is seen.
Make it stop, please go away,
Forget the past, you rue the day.
We are all alone no one to blame,
Count your years and spell your name.
Ride your bikes and play a game.
Earn your keep and your father’s name.
The ship has sunk and now we float,
No need to send a rescue boat.
For I shall die here anyway,
For I shall die here any day.
I’ve dug too deep you see I’m blind,
I’ve lost my soul I’ve lost my mind.

Copyright © Michael Huch | Year Posted 2023

For Harley

For Harley Love, Aunt Meghan
*I wrote this poem for my sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephews when their beloved dog, Harley, the sweetest chunk of marshmallow dog you could every love, passed to the Rainbow Bridge. It includes a few of our other family pets who preceded Harley in passing to the Rainbow Bridge… Anxiously pawing at the glistening gate Their hearts leaping wildly as they anticipate The bittersweet cycle of what’s known as fate Three life-long companions can barely wait… Bright colors emerge as a rainbow so high Some call it a bridge; some call it, “goodbye” A smooth, golden gate illuminated by The welcoming light from the place beyond sky… The time has arrived; the animals cheer For joining this kingdom is someone quite dear Three pairs of eyes shine as new souls appear The most beautiful soul became instantly clear… Charlie, Casey, and Binky, arms long Barked and meowed such a welcoming song Suddenly Harley felt renewed and quite strong She dashed to the place where she knew she belonged… So forever and always, in a place Covid-free Among shimmering rainbows with bridges beneath Sweet Casey, pain-free, as he chases the leaves Mom’s Charlie, Long Binky, and now dear Harley…
--Rest In Peace Over, Under, and All Around the Beautiful Rainbow Bridge… --Meghan Hutchings

Copyright © Meghan Hutchings | Year Posted 2021

Growing Heart

Could it be that you were right?
I have discovered I do have a heart.
Can it be that you are my version of Lil' Cindy Lu Who.
Whose singing is making my tiny Grinch's heart begin to grow.
My eyes see brighter.
I can feel once again.
My steps have quickened.
I find I have a place to go, a heart to share.
My laughter catching.
Making sadness a memory. 
I smile in rapid succession, exposing the sparkles that fly from my eyes.
Even the weight that sits on my shoulders is beginning to lift.
Like a magic trick it is disappearing.
Who knew there where such things as a good poison for your soul.
With the poisons from the light that is growing in my soul.
The sorrow that was residing has begun to die away.
My morphing is changing me into what a real heart should be.
I need now to create a recipe.
Feed it to the populations.
So they too can feel their Grinch's heart growing.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2012


To hear your whispers and your cries,
The anguish kept deep inside.
The mind not sure of all its fears,
Makes you think you want to die.

I’ve often wonder how could I?
Bring you back from where you hide.
To take part in your life once more,
Among those that do adore.

The way you are when all is well,
A difference  your smile can tell.
A voice we heard when you would sing
with tenderness each note would ring.

Yet something always keeps you there
Where hate and anguish have a place.
In a heart filled with empty disillusion,
Of all your dreams of grand illusions.

Allow yourself to take a step.
To bring you back from emptiness, 
To trust and love those close to you,
Give yourself a chance to see.

Your life can truly be
Filled with joy and ecstasy
The time is now for you to see
It all can be achieved

Copyright © Mary Chapman | Year Posted 2013

Song of Togetherness

Deep in my thoughts, floats a harmonious strain - 
                           Cuckoos singing soulful melody, 
                 Blossoms of Magnolia, array of budding Jinias, 
                     Marigolds beaming to a dawn golden sun,
                          I return to you, with all my hues, 
                          From a serene blissful childhood ! 

                         Purple Hibiscus with velvety petals, 
                Zestful creepers sprawling on the quaint fence,
                Mesmerizing tall branches of serene evergreen, 
        With Tricksy Swallowtails,Redbreast Robin merrily whistling,
                         Hummingbirds chirp ebullient songs,
                  Little bushy squirrels excitedly search for nuts. 

      Spreading grand colourful wings, butterflies kiss the blushing flowers, 
                    Messages from bees, buzzing a delightful tune, 
           Large leaves of Willow create a comforting shade underneath, 
          Leaves rustle with murmuring wind reminding secret footsteps. 
                        Lush green abundant grass, softest to tread,
                       I offer you a refuge - of solitude, of reflections, 
                                            Of retrospection. 

                            Ferns, encircling radiant Rose bushes, 
                                 Create a tender haven of love,
                  Dainty shrubs besides the path lead to a fairy land, 
                             Forming an oasis beyond imagination. 
                      A dreamland, a perfect recluse for poetic bliss, 
                       Wish you and I were here together eternally!


        For Petals, Buds, Blossoms, Bees, Birds, Butterflies, Poetry Contest
                                         Sponsor: Silent One

Copyright © Malabika Ray Choudhury | Year Posted 2020


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Quote LeftSince I've discovered this website, it has become my favorite. I like the setup and no other site I've found offers 'My Favorite Poems.' Before I found this site, I was often unable to post my poetry on other sites because they exceeded the 'line limit' and that was disappointing. Quote Right

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things