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I Look So Small From Up Here

you bitch
it was you who taunted us
we walked
on razor sharp blades
of grass
at straws
covered in white dust 
on the surface

on the surface
we used the word art
and crapped on it
like so much hay

we did it every day
in every way

without a kiss
we fornicated 
on the carpet
where we rehearsed
our play
that was when


that was when

we jumped 
from the edge
from the cliff
when our bodies 
crashed into the rocks
and even a rock garden
layers and layers
of skin
of flesh
of tributaries
of bone
layers and layers 
of blood
of platelets
of cells
of liquid…life

landed from a hundred yards up.

it was you on my mind
and you know we didn’t die

when we jumped
from our school
from the edge
when our bodies
was our addiction

the smoke
the pills
the blotters
the powder

you caught my eye

and we 
let our schooling
get in the way 
of our love
what we loosely 
called our art

but i did 
i fell hard

the day i spiralled 
from the rock
where i stood
and you know
you were
you are
the edge

and you know
it’s you

the day
i fell

i fell for

and me who took the fall


Copyright © Maurice Yvonne | Year Posted 2014

What You Can'T Break

You can take my house

you can take my truck

you can take my money

I don't give a f***

but you can't take 

what you can't break

you can't touch my heart

or the memories, anniversaries,

birthdays, holidays, or talks in the dark

you can't touch my heart

you can take my pension

take your alimony

take all you can get

just leave me lonely

I'll always be free

something in me 

you could never hold

a rambling, restless

wandering soul

so you got the best 

I had to give

now all I wanna do

is live

we're still friends

until the end

we'll help our kids

raise our grand-kids

we'll toast the life

we had together

but we both know

it was time to go

let the eight ball roll

i'll be back again

I don't know when

birthdays, holidays, anniversaries

but until then

I'll be under the moon

gazing up at the stars

serenading the night

on an old guitar

free as a bird

with a song in my heart

the sun on my shoulder

one day dumber and one day older

with nothing but nothing

before me

and nothing but you

behind me

not gone, not forgotten

just far away as a balloon can fly

that's all I wanna be

'til the day I die

so take my house

take my truck

take my money

I don't give a f___

you can't take

what you can't break

you can't hold

this wandering soul

only the wind knows

where I'll go

I'm wild and free

like I want to be

don't care what it cost

for me to be lost

just gotta go

wherever I roam

like the buffalo

it's all my home

and in the end

I'd love you again

but I'm all air

and you're all ground

your love held me there

kept me far enough down

to have a family

raise five beautiful kids

and when they were gone

you did what you did

let go of your balloon on a string

watched it sail away

until you couldn't see

does it still love you

it always will

even as it disappears

over the hill

so take my house

take me truck

take my money

I don't give a f___

you could take 

and you could break

all of me

I'd still be free

Copyright © Steven Young | Year Posted 2022

Shattered Dreams

Shattered Dreams Miracle Man 4/12/2024 One downside of life, is our shattered dreams. We’ve put forth our best? Yet harvest is in extremes. It’s during these times, when our craft will drift. We pray daily for a tide, that might give us a lift. But oft times it’s caused, by what enters our lives. Our time can’t be paused, Our past is archived. Sometimes we’re reaping, from life seeds we’ve sown. Shattered dreams continue, until we choose to atone.

Copyright © Tom Wright | Year Posted 2024

A Lonely Ant

A lonely ant did stutter-step
  'cross barren, friendless pavement 
     one chill Fall day in late November
       a portrait of despair

It started one way -- reversed direction
  It stopped and sensed the air
    as if to say, "How lost I am
      and forlorn beyond compare."

I contemplated its grim plight
  my heart melting 'spite the cold
    then bent down to lend it 
      but it spurned me something bold

The tiny ant, it did rear back
  its dander clearly roused
    and seemed to say, "Just watch me now.
      I'll surely find my way."
And watch I did in wondrous awe
  as the creature pointed west
    precisely toward its ant-hill mound
      --It'd surely passed the test

They say we learn industry 
  from the tiny ant---
    all the more so perseverance
      ~ and never to use the word 'can't'

Copyright © Gershon Wolf | Year Posted 2018

Vicissitudes and Succor

Are My Words So Foreign Or Obtuse 
That You May Not, Within Them, See Truth? 
That We Live Together Within, 
While Without We Share, What May One Day, 
Become A Common View; 
A Mutual Love Born Beyond The Forming 
Of All Words. 
A View We May Adopt As Living Love, 
Grown Fervent In The Fertile Soil Of Our Species, 
Forever Married To Each Living Heart. 
A View Deserving Of The Title: Brotherhood Of Man.

Each Star Is A Condensation Of Universe. 
We Are God’s Neurons, Only The Smallest 
Synapse Of Space Between Each Soul, 
Over Which We Send Our Communications, 
With Or Without Love’s Intention; 

The Membrane Of Our Common Memories 
Holding Us Together, 
The Muscles Of Our Motions Moving Us Forward 
Into The Arrangement Of Another Thought. 
Those Thoughts Are Carried By Rock Or Blade 
To Become The Stories From Which They Are Made.
Where Were Your Eyes Before You Knew Them? 
In All Finer Motions, Each Feather Balances On Times Blade 
And Will Not Exclude The Heaviest Burden; 
Truth, Which Is At Once 
The Beginning And End Of All Things.

From Each Twilight Comes A Dawn 
An Echo From The Rumblings Of The Earth, 
It Is The Sound Of Our Continuing Birth. 

In The Night’s Clearing Mist 
You Must Catch What Is Taught 
From Every Voice You Hear: 
It is The Creation Of All Your Tomorrows.

Wake Gently  Beyond The Reach Of Any Day, 
Expecting The Miracles That Are Coming. 
The Drumming Of Hearts 
That Will Join You In Your Song.

There Is No Right Or Wrong; 
Only Difference Or Indifference 
In The Way All Notes Are Sung. 

Inspired By A Hunger For The Stars, 
That Shine From The Depths 
Of Each Others Eyes, 
We Grow A Newer Hope For All Lost Souls. 
In Our Dawning Hour 
And In The Rising Of Their Cries,

Faith Waves Away All Curls Of Uncertainty: 
A Flutter, A Kiss, The Miss Or Near Miss, 
A Ring The Sirens Sing,That Endlessly Persists; 

Reminding Us Of Love: 
The Only Anchor To Which Sanity Insists.

In The Living Soul Of All, Life Awakes, 
Confronts The Hour All Clocks Will Tick Again 
As We Awake To Make Another Day; 

Pray Over Breakfast, Offering Our Offspring 
The Smoke Of Every Fire, 
Until Winds Shift; And We, At Last, Retire.

Each Budding Leaf, Thus Flowered Green, 
A Story. 
Brown And Crisp And Driven By The Wind, 
Perhaps Another. 
Around The Corner Next; 
We Name It Other. 

For What Intrigues Us Most; 
We Are The Cannon Of Our Standard, 
Hollow And Loud, 
The Road Behind Us Littered With 
What Once We Carried Proud. 

Our Life A History Of Differences, 
Each Cobble A Past Canning Of Knowns. 

Our Being, Thick With The Sounds 
Of All That Is Taught 
Through Voices Other Than Our Own.

It Is In The First Step, The First Word Of Love,
The First Of AnyThing, That We Are Found.

Every Tree Is Not A Willow
Nor Every Horse A Stallion

Our Wish Is Only A Tavern Of Friends 
Greeted By Each Others Laughter.

Arms like Our Own, Holding 
The Hope We Live With Every Hour 
That Every Drop Will Find Itself A Thirst.

For It Is Only The Middle 
To Which All Men Arrive 
Each Of Their Movements 
From A Silence That Comes Before Life 
And To Which All Life Returns.

So Wrap The Dark Around You 
Be Sorry For The Ones Not Here. 
And Sorrier Still For Those Who Are, 
Whose Voices Disappear.

Lost Still, 
InThe Cradle Of Their Breech.
We Can Only Teach
What has been Taught 
From Every Sage

“ Life Is A Cage,
The Bars Of Which
Are Made Of Your Beliefs.”

To End All Griefs

Know Thyself, 

In This, Will Be Revealed, All Things

And You Will Know At Last

Why The Caged Bird Sings.

Copyright © Vernon Witmer | Year Posted 2020

In One Fell Swoop

Your words cut-  like a woodcutters axe
chopping me down,
blood spills onto the pine strewn floor.
Exhaling words. Spoken without thought,
or love, trapped in an unbreakable bubble
that floats around my head.
Purple memories emanate from the centre,
rippling into infinity, becoming distant…
lost to the edge of life.
I thought love would save me, but
it too floats away on a starlit stream.


Copyright © David Williams | Year Posted 2014

The Unheard

The machine stood glistening in the sun.
"The ceremony has just begun."
Thats what the news reporters said.

“It will kill millions of people in less than a minute.”
"Of course, it won’t be used unless we really need it.”
That’s what the military said.

"It took most of our resources to build it this way.”
“And we're sure our children will thank us one day.”
That’s what the politicians said.

The minister waited quietly until his time had come.
“Dear God forgive us for what we have done.”
That’s all he said.

“Great prayer, a fine benediction for where we stand."
"It is good to know God is watching over this land.”
That’s what they all said.

Copyright © Sanford Weir | Year Posted 2018

Belinda's Bridge

I'm on a train to Baltimore,

my device, by insubstantive devices
tells me -
that somewhere,
around the wailing, wawling seas,
a girl has stepped back,
floated up, found the above -
by falling into her Within.

She's found her heart, and
knows it (once more) by heart.

A bridge is built, in Australia -
on linen.  In Victoria.
In victory, Invictus.

The waters, the hard waters,
these waters flowed for years;
she stuck on one side,
as in a war...
Everyone is a soldier, everyone
caught on one side -
She chose sides,
like anyone in wartime.
(It's always wartime.)

She enlisted with her side,
as every soldier (whether peasant
or private or poet), as every 
souldier does -
her inside, fighting
a sort, her sort, her sorts
of battles there.
Days became years,
years became endless moments,
Darkness became Blue.

She saw a red chair,
somewhere there.
She saw protest and quetch,
but stayed true with brush and sketch. 
She saw tears.
She shed tears.
And she sat, brushing and brushless. 
Zen and zenless.  Again and a loss.
Again and a gain.  Again and a zen.
She saw illusion...
and saw through it too.

She was fearless in
embrace of her fear,
her embrace of the fear
cast off, ignored, unmet by
Thousands of Others,
Thousands of days.

Few saw her fight.
They saw a girl sitting,
They saw a girl still sitting,
right there where she had been.
They saw a girl, when they did see
a girl...they saw a girl messy with paint.
She was fearless, but for her fear.

And now, a bridge
carries her over the 
great, the noisy, the frothy burblings below.
And now, a bridge
carries my heart
to a land I'd forgot...
without ever knowing.

I'm on a train to Baltimore,

Track, trestle, catenary, crowds.
I can't see what I write.
My eyes are welled shut.
And my heart is well, too.

Copyright © Stephe Watson | Year Posted 2017



Thundering down the valleys 
Tearing across the plains 
Ten thousand steel horses  
Their nostrils spitting steam       
Bodies tense with anger 
The bastard Boreas 
Coming to claim his script   

A monstrous armada 
Assembled in the Dakotas 
Let loose its cannons
In the Nebraska hills
Raining yellow dust 
From hell in the early 
Morning light.  

Huge nightmarish clouds 
Filled the sky
Mother cows braying 
Horses stomping  
Jack rabbits scurrying  
Black birds fleeing  
Weather man says
Storm on the rise

Laden with dynamite  
Screaming and howling 
Whipping and pounding
Bashing and thrashing 
The ten thousand came
Their hatred brewing
Their ears laid back
The demons raged 

The man ran inside
His adobe home
The door refused to close
The shutters shook
The tar papered roof 
Began to tear 
A mother feared

The trees bent 
The angry winds raged
Tearing them apart
Limb by limb
A blinding “Blizzard”
The brown dirt turned white
As mountainous drifts grew  

The insanity of it all   
Off to school 
Nineteen children went
In old Chevy bus
Card boarded windows 
Lost in a ditch
That bastard Boreas
Claimed his script

A monument now sits
Frozen in time
It was 1931
Towner, Colorado

Inspired by
Towner Bus Tragedy “Lost in a Blizzard” (March 26, 1931)

Copyright © Lon Wartman | Year Posted 2021

May I

May I sorrow with you and feel when you are feeling.
May I be strong for you when you are scared, 
May I wipe your tears for you, so you can see clearly as the days go on.
May I give you my hand to guide you.
May I speak the words that will give you wisdom.
May I listen to you speak of the happy times.
May I hold you to let you know you are not alone.
May I always be there in you needs.
May I never let you forget.
May I always answer your call.
May I always love you from the heart.
May I guide the boat that takes you through rough waters.
May I always be strong for you.
May I always have the answers you need to hear.
May I always be your friend.

Copyright © Joe Tweedlie | Year Posted 2012

Tainted By Love

Damaged my heart drips; the  
floor black from blood stains 
Splintered from your beating;  
crippled from the pain 

Quiet I beg it become;  
through tears I pray it be still 
For my heart you asked and it  
I gave freely; whole and distilled 

It was not supposed to be abused,  
stepped on, and forgotten 
Now you see me filled only with  
malice and ask “what happened?” 

For a good woman you asked;  
a goddess you did receive 
Not giving thought to the repercussions  
when this one you deceived 

In this moment I am mourning for 
the heart that you've destroyed 
But it will pass; and you will wish  
for a heart where you’ve left a void


Copyright © Fj Thomas | Year Posted 2021

He Followed With Remorse

There's a story,
As old as time,

Cute little girl skipping thru the woods,
A big bad wolf who follows behind,

She's Carrying goodies for her Grammy,
She does it with love and because she's kind,

The wolf trots ahead,
He's a mastermind,

He eats her Grammy,
Wolfing her down with a glass of red wine,

Then making himself comfy in her big bed,
He Does this all in the nick of time,

The little girl knocks at the door,
"Come in sweet child of mine,"

The wolf yells with delight,
"What did you bring for your Grammy tonight?"

The little girl in her red hood,
Whispers, "something just doesn't seem right,"

Come closer my dear I could not hear,
Red yells,"Grammy your ears are outta sight!"

The wolf so cunning and clever replies,
"All the better for listening at night,"

"But Grammy I've never seen,
Such a glow in your eyes,"

"My child it's the reflection from the moon,
It lighted the way for you tonight,"

"Oh my Grammy, you have such big teeth!"
The wolf decided on a rhyme,

"Well if you haven't figured it out by now,
I'm not your dear Grammy, 
You silly child,

I followed you in from the woods,
You came straight away, 
As a good girl should,

Carrying your basket full of food,
In your bright red cape,
Under your little red hood,

I ate your Grammy,
I'm gonna eat you, too,"

"Hold it mister!" 
Red interjects in time,
"I know the rest of this nursery rhyme,

You can't eat me because I packed,
A weapon in my little basket,
To handle big bad wolves like you,

So up against the wall,
And spread em mister,
Today's not your day at all!"

The moral of this story is tried and true,
Never take for granted,
A girls power,
Or intuition, 
You bad, bad, wolf, you!

~Vickie Thayer~

Copyright © Vickie Hurtt - Thayer | Year Posted 2017

I Met My Love

I met my love before the dawn
But all we did was nod and yawn.
As sleepy hearts of love can’t speak
So we, more rest did seek.

I met my love to break our fast
But quickly so our time did pass.
When leaving she gave me her smile
Which held me for awhile.

I met my love as it was noon
And sang for her a cheerful tune.
A kiss she gave me on the cheek
That made my knees go weak.

I met my love as evening came.
Undying love I did proclaim.
She fell into my warm embrace.
Our breath, our hearts did race.

I met my love beneath the moon
To vow that we would be wed soon.
Her life, her fate she joined to mine
Eternally entwined.

Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2019


In tertiary times, when two continents adrift
Titanically collided to tectonically uplift
The gasping ocean floor
Resurrected up once more
Left the water for the land;
Five miles high it made its stand.

And to these youthful mountains (that is as mountains go)
The monsoon clouds paid homage as they gathered far below
They strongly spouted fury and made the foothills wet
But the scornful Himalayas dried the plateau of Tibet

And then the disbelievers from the atheistic West
Where time is not a circle and there is no Ever-rest
Defiled up the silent crags
At the peak they planted flags
You, Himalaya, tried to hide those flags with snow
We know.

Copyright © Mark Springer | Year Posted 2024

The Gift

For all the kids young and old
a blanket of  white white snow

winters prettiest of days
earth our house cleaned that way

pure was made the land
covered the wickedness of man

living water had a plan
clean the cities and the land

on inspection spiffy clean
sin and wickedness went unseen

oh how wonderful
the christmas scene

peace on  earth
thats the theme

Copyright © The Situation | Year Posted 2010


in it's truest form
is not fear
nor blood
for they are nothing but mere phantasm
in your illusion
You ask what truly is darkness.
"Follow me", I say,
"walk into that cave
and close your eyes."
I ask, "What do you hear?"
You answer,

Copyright © Vermillion Scythe | Year Posted 2017


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