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Never gone away from the light,
Never seen the daunting sites,
Never clashed with horrible tides,
Never ceased down the rhythmic rides,
People would think,
What is all ?
It is nothing,
Just semi-rhythmic
tunes of life's hall.
Life is mystery of the circumstances,
People dive through its resultants,
No one knows about this traumatized stream,
So they try to make it a melodious dream.
One who gets distracted by its tough-acts' scheme,
doesn't seem able to dwell into its -bravo! rhymes.
But one, who presents
similar responses
regarding even or uneven situations,
 is proficiently capable
of enjoying all its worthwhile schemes.
So my friends let's dive into its stream,
Sendig to others a melodious theme.
Everything will make pace with the wheel of fortune,
So try to make the life as a melodious tune.

Copyright © Avanish Awasthi


Book: Reflection on the Important Things