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Dwarf Giant of the Med

Listen up, y'all, got a tale to tell
'Bout an elephant that time almost forgot
Not your average jumbo, this one's special as hell
Sicily's very own pint-sized lot

Evolved on an island, cut off from the rest
Shrunk down through the ages, adaptation at its best
Three feet tall at the shoulder, a miniature beast
Roaming ancient Med, from west to east

Mammuthus Falconeri, that's the scientific name
But "Sicilian dwarf" is its claim to fame
Lived alongside humans, back in the day
Till climate and hunters made it fade away

Picture this pachyderm, the trunk still proud
Tusks like daggers, but not as endowed
Compact and sturdy, built for island life
Surviving droughts and prehistoric strife

Some say its bones sparked legends of old
Cyclops and giants, or so we're told
Greek myths born from fossil finds
Ancient elephant skulls boggling minds

Now it's gone, extinct, wiped from the Earth
But its story lives on, for all it's worth
A reminder of nature's wild design
And how isolation can refine

So next time you think elephants are all the same
Remember Sicily's dwarf, playing Evolution's game
Proof that life finds a way, big or small
In nature's grand scheme, there's room for all

Sicilian elephant, we sing your song
The memory of you will carry on
In museum halls and science books
Reminding us to take second looks

At the wonders that once roamed this land
Before time swept them away like sand
Extinct but not forgotten, your legacy's set
Tiny titan of the Mediterranean

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P


Book: Reflection on the Important Things