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Citizens Disunited

Awhile back,
in the Dred Scott decision, 
SCOTUS denied rights of citizenship
to people of color
"as a subordinate
and inferior class of beings,
who had been subjugated
by the dominant race..."

So, we need not dig too deeply
to rediscover where straight white male supremacists
and systemic racist allies
might find our strongest
most toxic heritage
lack of inclusive discernment,
absence of multicultural intelligence
united citizens experience,
values of all people
for all creatures here below.

with this precedent in place,
we might similarly nuance the Citizens United language,
giving corporations the rights of citizenship
without the responsibilities of healthy stewardship,
authority to buy media speech
and heavily invest in purchasing political competitions;

This right more transparently unveiled
as the authority of a superordinate
and superior class
of capital-acquiring beings,
masters of organic Earth's climate degeneration
who have subjugated the unstraight 
suffering from non-elite lack of multiculturally appreciated face, 
too slow race,

These assumptions
of who is SWM better than whom,
rooted in outworn 
and unhistorical
and supremacist
win/lose environmental theories,
blossom as further toxic prejudice
against Earth's primordial health rights
and humane responsibilities
to repair damages,
restore peace of natural/spiritual
north/south cultural hemispheres 
advocating resonant geopolitical balance.

How would such corporate persons be baptized?
And confirmed 
to be raised in ways and means of a loving Creator God
rather than a competitive and jealously greedy Mammon?

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs