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Stretching Integrity's Goodnews

I find at least one difference
between owning water and energy outright
and co-owning water and energy delivery systems,
transport infrastructures.

The latter is cooperatively optimal.
The former is resiliently impossible,
unsustainable hubris.

I also find it not necessarily true
that colonization can never end--
For individuals,
faith communities,
municipal communities,
economic and political communities,
gardens and farms,

Colonization may end in cannibalism,
too Yangish monocultural,
too Yangish totalitarian,
and it may Yin begin again WinWin
in new PositivEnergy regeneration
with NotNot sacred degeneration

BiLaterally CoArising
through ZeroZone creolization,
mutual subsidiarity,
organic guilds of integrity.

Colonization is about predative/prey relationships
in which any one participant
can pretend to only be
an autonomously winning
responsible and authoritative
water and energy owning and privileged

creolization, not pre-revolutionary colonization,
all Energy, 
watered or not,
co-arises both
reborn baptism regenerations Past
and transubstantiating 
co-enlightening roles Future.

In my own limited experience
we build a healthy interdependent marriage
of Yang SolarEnergy
with Yin EarthWater
as partners,
my colonized water and energetic properties,
outside-eco and inside-ego
We and I.

Where house with land
become my extended home
ZeroZone for co-creolizing enrichment
seasonally slow grown
over time's speeding experience
of home as family water and energy extensions.

I manage our spirit water minds
and we re-emerge our
cooperative creator body energy-map
our reforesting rooted historic cultures,
deep learning subclimates,
ecology of LeftNature's
organic health EcoBody
sacred theology
of RightSpirit's WiseElder
ego-strategic wealth--
abundantly CoPresent
EgoEco Marriage.

My Ego's awe
with EarthHabitat's sacred greening synergetic wonder,
Ego/EcoTranscendent Revolution
speeding HereNow Time

Right here now
on my front porch perch
watching my LeftWing organic garden grow
into out of Yin-sequestered diminished closet
to invite you
through PositivEnergy and health-watered me

To cooperatively own
EarthTribe healthing property,
our healing vibrant 
watered ergodic property rights
with left co-responsibilities
to undernourished green ecofeminists
of all species

in past and present and future climate pathologies
of badfaith believing
we might compete successfully
to autonomously own
Earth's immortal water and/or PositivEnergy
without negative entropic outcomes
like drought
and global frightening lightening bolts,
fields of predative 
and other badnews Climate Pathologies
of RightWing, defined anti-Left, totalitarian intent

An impossible 
anti-spiritual way
to fly away from
ego/eco logical education.

I find at least one similarity
between communicating inside yin-water and outside yang-energy
and cooperatively owning water and energy delivery systems,
transport infrastructures.

The latter is ecopolitically optimal for EarthTribe.
The former is resiliently possible,
sustainable ego/eco cooperative integrity.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs