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Tonight the act of naming fell through the floor.
We speak permeable solids inflect’d by light.
Things move indistinctly: a pine palette floats
momentarily from semi truck’s bed, crosses
its body with windshield; ovidian shift from a
Forest to an old faux confectioner’s swatch,
lines up songs taking fleas for fleece. 
A fawn fractionates its flecks & somato-
phonics, flees without need of adrenaline.
The plate? A plait whose pleats play’d
pleas against fetch’d plots until its dizzy
balance congeals into il canzioniere,
In service of blueprint architectonics.
Flotillas float low in shadows’ camouflage.
Hot air balloons cypher skyline celebrè,
Uniting you & prairie fair. Parcels're 
parsed. Farmers burn burnoff in oil drums,
birthing coils of smoke in loosely co-
ordinated helices whose out of body ends
in the sweeping concentricity of hundred-
foot-long turbine blades. Say it fades it? 
Thunderheads drift. Sin naps in synapse’s
nook. Haptics touch, from relation to
harassment. Earth’s got a wicked medium.
Acoustic waves morphophonemics
shapes complete exchanges in related
spatiotemporal contexts; what’s hatch’d
later is what’s desired & what will never
bring resolution. The figure applies epoxy
to a fence with excessive force. Transparency
leads eventually to blindness; just so
Boidae code’s got python script, diamond 
syntax & dimensional ranges of black.
Eyes eye legend’s designatory sign seams
for scratch’d map & abandon’d quest.
The wet up-close extasis ten-lane road
splits, vents vulcan aurora; I want the aura
to aurally kick faith in the elsewhere
overlooked by the tyranny of sense. A
polystyrene quartet pitch’d on vector’s pastel 
ledge steers into bassoonists lane at high noon,
cussing out coordinating chord machine
minting harmonies the same way sow takes
bolt to skull. A splenetic racket ejects me
becoming then in dense cordage fray,
in knots in discord notes caught in song
clots in versions below the taken planar baseline,
the surveyable limit recorded in perpetuity.
No, it’s a low harmony with plural means
of resolution. To the tonic in one key. 
A singer alerts us to undertow brushstrokes
In Matisse, the quadriceps with a woven flexion. 
We suck’d dry wax & comb. Nearby: a field 
of lightning. Assn. of associations 
polymer chains bind—strip mall froth 
frosts the cartilagenous go-betweens 
of chest cavities, the waste slurry ribbon
of a billion hogs looks blue-green from
pilotless drone mapping something in 
the interest of greater returns; A scattering.
—share not hold but will nothing
bring halt to time? Constrictor vines climb 
& strangle their hosts in increment. Magnolia 
grove ungoverned in improvised grotto 
heaves vap’rous fog over damp dark branches,
freighted leaves suspended by a gravity's 
Gravitas, intoxicating a gay eden scene 
projected from the wasteland of the real. 
Leave a leavening, a painterly incompletion, poised 
In a preludian phase of a departure departure,
where a puzzle of  stratigraphy is left to machines,
poor things, their programming, so to the 
lebible wed, they missed the bonds welded
in misreading each, in the striated earthen 
crust— Walk with me through the forest’s ash,
thin grey trunks thick with newborn beetles
vibrating in the bark’s husky shadows, Pthalo blue.

Copyright © Henri Wyatt Blumenfeld


Book: Shattered Sighs