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Rum N Raisin 6 - Dances With Wasps

Those kittens bounded through the flap and started to play
Raisin said the flowers look so pretty today
She went to sniff a daisy but an insect flew out
And so she hollered, “Watch out, Rum, there’s waspies about!”

The buzzy critter hovered, staring her in the eye
And Raisin started flapping like she thought she might fly
The tiny demon flitted from her head down to her toes 
And Raisin went cross eyed when it came down upon her nose

Rum called out, “You stoopid critter, leave my sister be,
You’re just an irritation like a great big ugly flea.”
At that the stripy critter made a bee line for Rum’s feet
Who danced as though his tail had caught afire in the street

The most annoying buzzy thing was flitting here and there 
Rum slapped his head and slapped his butt; he slapped just everywhere
He jumped and hopped like some demented kind of kangaroo
Like someone fed ten thousand volts into the county zoo

So, slapping at his body like a drunk doing a dance
Rum’s antics were so frantic they held Raisin in a trance
She had to laugh when Rum thought backflips were a decent bet
But then Rum stood on tippy toes and did a pirouette 

Raisin laughed out loud because she suddenly could see
The buzzy critter was no wasp; it was a buzzy bee
She knew that bees had one rule that they stuck quite firmly to…
“If you mean no harm to me, I mean no harm to you.”

But now Rum’s doing handstands and his tail’s a windshield wiper
It’s thrashing at the critter like an aggravated viper
But Raisin’s cruel enjoyment of her brother’s frantic state
Made her stand and giggle and the truth would have to wait

Rum let out a loud ‘Meow’; the wasp was in his ear 
But then a little voice said, “You have nothing here to fear,
I’m Bertie Bee, I hope you see that this was all just fun,
I think your sister is a fairly naughty little one.”

And so Rum stood quite still and Bertie Bee flew from his ear
He landed just in front of Rum and said, “Let’s spread some fear.”
But that all came to nothing as they simply stared agog
When Raisin was crept up on by their next door neighbour’s dog

Of course they knew the dog was gonna give her little grief
He was old, his claws were worn, he hadn’t any teeth 
Raisin sensed the dog’s approach, but too late for a chase
The aging dog just pinned her down and slobbered in her face

Rum and Bertie giggled but their laughter didn’t last
A swarm of eager wasps was homing in on them real fast
So Raisin pushed the dog off and let out a piercing squeal
“There’s a swarm of wasps en route and these ones are for real.”

The wasps soon flitted all round Rum who almost took a dive
Instead he danced an Irish jig while Bertie practiced jive
One wasp hovered close to Rum and muttered, “Are you mad?
We wasps mean no one any harm unless they treat us bad.”

Then Bertie Bee said, “Look, if it’s some food you’re looking for,
Then there’s a picnic going on at number twenty four.”
The leader of the wasps said, “I don’t want their bread and ham.”
But Bertie said, “There’s Tuna, bacon, cake… and strawberry jam.” 

The wasps sped off and Rum said, ‘Boy, my bladder nearly broke.”
Raisin said, “I’m sorry, that was meant to be a joke,
I knew that Bertie was a bee, I should have told you sooner.”
And Rum said, “We should chase those wasps… for twenty four’s got Tuna.”

Copyright © Terry Flood


Book: Shattered Sighs