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the hill of epitaphs

In the dirty hands of poverty,
 Scavengers of the Republic of Enlightenment
 Quench their thirst under the eyelids of the proletarians.
 A sinecure of hard drugs
 To silence the lamentations of these birds of ill omen.
 The crosses are upside down in the furnaces of hell;
 Lucifer, the egregore of these bloodthirsty criminals,
 Has no distinction against the sickles of the angel of death.
 The Earth is allergic to love;
 It is the war that invigorates all these hearts of stone.
 I have hated justice since I waddled on the edge of the spiral precipice,
 My attachment to dirty money, which is similar to a fanatic's devotion to spiritual beliefs.
 Sleepless nights leafing through the black pages of my legal pedigree,
 I love the silence of darkness, like the darkness of a sequestered coffin in a cemetery.
 My reflexes are monetary and my passions are deadly.
 I only have partners;
 I'm not your brother, I'm lonely as death.
 The mood of a Palestinian in the shoes of a Pharisee,
 Suicidal like these Africans
 Which cross the Sahara and the Mediterranean.
 A Kalashnikov in the brain,
 I proudly accept the darkness of my words.
 I am angry like all these child soldiers from the cradle.
 I fiercely adore freedom in the bowels of a France filled with fascists.
 Negrophobes have the right to be angry;
 After all, I'm just an ungrateful  who always cheated.
 I didn't come to assimilate,
 Just amass without calculating before being expelled.
 Flashes of macabre memories to erase my nightmares,
 I'm starving, thirsty for hemoglobin like a vampire.
 I have been walking on death row since I arrived on Earth;
 For all my blasphemy, I will end up in flames.

Copyright © Auguste Romain Nyecki


Book: Reflection on the Important Things