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fragrance of fading roses

My soul 
    is in purgatory,
settling in fading tunes
  of suppressed silence,
swerving perpetually 
   smoky quartz silhouettes;
swiveling through 
 dimmed dungeon 
to unraveling shadows
of yesterday’s destruction,
 moving in s l o w motion~
rejoicing invisible 
  rainbow glows
in limitless devotion,
  resenting the shifting
     season of faith~
I question the 
treacherous torrents,
   unorchestrated symphonies…
where do the tides of jealousy
crash and hide to grieve,
over untouched waves,
  when it has washed 
away compelling
   lost in perfect storms?

For, sometimes, 
when trembling
skies bleed black pearls,
upon these aching lungs, 
I think of every 
  nameless ghost
that emanates 
familiar fragrances:
  my naive mind,
there’s no evil 
  even in darkness. 
Although I’ve 
    seen tints of 
turning leaves conversing
with tantalizing tears,
whilst this volcanic
  heart is ransacked
and ruined,
d a n c i n g away from fears, 
  forging meaningless scribes,
in fragmented fortunes, 
left as debris along the 
forgotten fields of 
rambling roses drenched 
   in remorseful rain. 

And I stand in the
eye of cataclysmic cyclones~ 
  exhaling the exhaustion,
as the wolf moon calls me,
above million 
   mourning mountains
      in musical misery. 

Yet, when cosmic curtains
sequinned with 
   scarlet sapphires 
 of midnight skies 
drizzle drops 
  of hibiscus heaven onto the
 pages of my poetic haven, 
    I sketch stars in the shape 
        of magical w i n g s..
across cursed horizons, 
to soothe my 
   troubled thoughts:
as it’s all in my head,
   demonic devils dressed
in dragonfly 
     dust to deceive me,
unaware of how 
I’ve been 
   blindfolded by
the brutal lies 
   I’ve told myself
in alienated expressions, 
that the normal
    can never neutralize.

Copyright © Ink Empress


Book: Shattered Sighs