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Because Of This Hurt

I gained back all my trust
after I freed myself from guilt,
and not suffered much from it;
ah, bravery taught me a lot! 

Because of this hurt,
I hid myself behind a shadow,
every thought was full of sorrow;
whatever happened to faith?
I hoped for a serene tomorrow
to explore joy and feel its worth:
all turned out to be a quirt...
digging gold into dirt!

I wanted to feel alive,
transform bitterness into sweetness,
flee from the adumbral prison
where I was held captive by fears;
I admit to have been too lonely:
a complete wretched in isolated region,
no naive to befriend and run away,
where folks loved to drink and connive! 

Nobody offered empathy
and true understanding,
they never reached out
but showed embitterment 
sneering, staring and wondering
if I deserved the harshest
and cruelest punishment, 
for having done much harm
to others with malicious rage!
I shouldn't have treated then evilly
and remained gratified and calm!

Because of this hurt,
nights are brighter than a desert,
moonlight has a luminous glow;
I'm a ghost aimlessly wandering,
not knowing his destination!
I'm the doer who failed to follow
his aspiration and ambition,
not redefining thought and feeling!



Copyright © Andrew Crisci


Book: Shattered Sighs