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Existentialism Emancipation Proclamation Manumission

Existentialism emancipation proclamation manumission...

Flourishes amidst freedom 
once invisible (alice in) chains shucked
when soul no longer kept linkedin 
to jane's addiction 
with corporeal duty, entity, fealty... 
while formerly shed body electric 
gendered as former googly eyed hotmail 
actually a prodigy, whose outlook 
arouses suspicions regarding him 
as person of pinterest living social 
in a webbed, wide world of uncertainty

precariously perched atop pinnacle
pirouetting at light speed,
nevertheless defying the laws 
of centrifugal and centripetal force
as spirit blithely ushers forth
along a straight line 
of orthodox dogmatism, idealism
opportunism, and volunteerism
hemorrhaging, purging, and xing 
staunch archconservative
punishing outdated edicts.

When after the final countdown 
to the global apocalypse,
(according to Doomsday Clock
January two thousand twenty three  
ninety seconds to midnight)
one beatle browed, foo fighting nebbish
departs the land of the living
and joins rank and file
among the grateful dead,

he (more specifically 
the physical and spiritual 
embodiments incorporating him 
will separate) at long last, 
thence latter day sainted essence 
can freely exit from the cares 
and concerns of an uncertain tomorrow  
no longer plagued by earthly travails
particularly the necessity of money.
Within heliocentric/ Copernican theory
broached sixteenth century promotion 
sans scientific paradigm 
dogmatically hefty, kinetically lofty, 
and poetically thoroughly, 
xyz beliefs misalign
wherein mechanistic Ptolemaic, 
static venerated yin yang benign
choreography describing elementary forces 
governing heavens inviting jinxed, kooky,
loopy measures necessitating 

normalization, pacification, rectification, 
transformation, validation
to guarantee spatial objects remain in line
which notions trotted out 
a cosmic deal with invisible ink
omnipresent, omniscient omnipotent 
benevolent creator linkedin
synonymously affixed terrestrial 
firmament (planet Earth) nsync 
with bedrock as Fred Flintstone 
beatified, certified, deified, 

edified, fortified, glorified Gibraltar
until undisputed supposedly 
figuratively hermetically sealed 
fostered religious (church) fathers 
to do more than blink
when inquisitive minds (undaunted 
though invoked as heretical martyrs) 
blaspheming solidly entrenched 
blind faith no more functioning with charm
mingly quaint association 
with amulets, churinga, 
exquisite fetishisms guiding humanity 

innumerable journeys kickstarting 
legendary modus operandi initially harm
less lee sounding out, 
what manifested into a schismatic alarm 
regarding millennial questions 
undermining liturgical moorings 
strong lance heaving arm
irrevocably toppled geocentric mindset, 
nonetheless this oblate spheroid dance
sing with the stars redoubled 
devout hangers-on fixed 

with barnacle cleaving 
devotion stalwart stance 
populace behooved 
(as would be expected), 
when Doubting Thomas' 
(Paine) revolutionary screeds 
threatened (prior to unending) 
universal schema just by chance
and despite proclamations pronunciations, 
and provocations roiling status quo 
hashtagged as evil rants

eventually zealous warfare between 
growing heliocentric individuals  
with sacrilegiously blatantly deranged 
fiendishly gnarly heathens – 
perhaps the Renaissance own 
groovy, nutty, and trippy Timothy Leary
the dawn of a quantifiable, explainable theory
(minus all those concentric 
embedded orbital paths) 
diktat preachers eventually became weary
to challenge recalcitrant 

(purported hell raisers
damn, I would have fit right in 
as a rebel rouser)
whereby agents provocateurs 
spout vestigial claim 
to Gaea remaining front 
and center of galaxy 
on par clubbing with Mother Mary.

Copyright © Matthew Harris


Book: Shattered Sighs