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Date:   May  2051

 Raining morning dawning. Everything is
Best and rest in all Hakim Households.
Hours passed and in Damian's dome
Dolly rose and gently kissed Damian.
"Rise my husband. Strong man I remember 
You." She Whispered in his ear and
Nestled against him. Damian had been 
Waking before she started manipulating
His atmosphere. "I remember you too.
Yesteryears. I was there." His voice
Was thicker with early morning residue. He
Smiled opening his eyes for a second 
Then closed them again. "What time
Is it?"  She voiced the Supreme answer.
"Time for LOVE Mister DOMINATION."
And he rolled on top of her with the
Nerve of the monster he was. He
Relaxed on top of her, "Feels soo
Much better over here I think I'll stay
Do you mind."  Her voice was muffled
Beneath his mass.  "Iiiyee! Did you
Gain more weight I can't even breathe!"
She laughed. He said, "You were my
First Doll my lovely first wife my heart
My very first life my heart. Nothing 
And nobody comes before you 
Delilah." He reached her beneath
Him and  pulled her up to kiss her
Lips. She replied, "I I don't. I don't know
What to say! She blurted, "does that
Mean I'm speechless?"  Those are
Beautiful words Boo I love the lyrics!"
Then they made some Delilah delicious 
Deadly love. They stayed in the moment
All morning long. After emerging from
The pleasure mist they went to check
On the babies in the nursery. Damian 
Entered the colorful plush infant 
Domain and Dolly followed. Dasheri 
Was standing in the Playpen. 
"Where are the rest of my Damians?"
Damian wondered. As he curiously 
Inspected the large area. Calling
Them out to them playfully, "Hey Little guys
Dab!, Dajah, alright! I'm not playing."
They heard muffled noises. "Where are these
1 years old People!" Dolly was
 amused. Damian 
Chuckled. "Ayeh mini  Ds are
  near-by in the walk-in closet!
Damian exclaimed, "Ooh all five!"
Then little Damoni began to cry and
Scream.  Dolly yelled out, "Saderi
Wherever you are come to your child!"
Damian let the one year olds play
In the closet. While Dolly tended to
Ajafi Damoni Sidney's son. And then
Real Commotion began. "WHAAAT 
TIME IIISS IIT!  the chant. "CRUEL
Swing around to the sound and found
The crowd. "Whaaat's going on Hakim!"
Jawah Domonic's son explained.
"See uncle we. Wee need to have a 
Serious CRUEL BALL competition 
Soon so it's just that we have a lot
Of um ooh some pent up energy.
You know?" Damian placed his hand 
On the young man of who knows
What age, "Now Jaw. Ya being somewhat
Waay to noisey in my Kingdom that's 
The first lesson." Damian observed 
His surroundings and noticed some
Familiar faces. "Ooohòohaha! I see
We have here something. Well then
Kids heard that, they about tore the
Place down. Kinda ripped The door
Slightly from the hinges. "Whoaaoo!"
Damian was impressed by his people.
Smiling as they ripped across the 
Lawn destroying whatever in sight.
Damian contacted CJ and Julius 
"Hey CJ listen these youngsters in
Our world want cruel ball soon man!
I supplied them with my cooperation 
Whatcha sayin'  man! You wanna do it
Cruel or you have other plans? Talk
To me!"  CJ replied, "Maan you know
I'll do that! Yeah! So after I done talking
With you I'll confer with my sons and
Our cousins. Most of them.
You have the necessity don't you?"
Damian bolstered boldly, "but but whaaat
Who you asking Maan I been done did
This from times and times the times
Haa Ha! AM I?" I AM!  CJ said, "LET'S 
GO!"  and disconnected then called
His sons Damali and Ricky to tell them.
"Yeah Dad looking forward to it Dad
Can't wait to crush those Wahdiens!
aayeeeah!!! The BCM?! Whaaat!" Damali 
Calmed himself and asked, "When's
The big Battle? It'll probably be about 
Two weeks from now, I'll call you shortly
For confirm."  They both simultaneously 
Acknowledged, "Alright we tight!"
And disconnected. Meanwhile Damian 
Was on skype with cousins and Crysteph 
Adonis Kyon. "Hey tell the family be
Here this showdown is 2 weeks from
Now!"  Now Damian set Skype with the Wahdien's
Father and 'invited' him to the cruel 
Ball competition. "Hey there my man
Wahdien we would be soo appreciative 
If you will grace the Hakim family 
With your presence May 23rd if you
Do not have any special goings-on."
It's there aah cruel ball cruelty comp!
Man are you there! Talk to this man! Man!"
Wahdien replied, "hothead heay! That
Is all you needed Damian! No need for
Extra Mister Master of The kingdom!"
Damian said, "Alright Alright calm down.
Good to see you again too. How've you 
Been man?"  He said, "Well I've. Been
Good even great can't co... well this
Thing May 23rd right? Yeah We'll 
Be there."  Damian said, "Straight catch
Ya!"  And disconnected. Next he
Contacted Doctor  Negofi to confirm Holly's 
Appointment for today. "Alright that's 
A couple of hours from now!"  Time
Passed in a flash they were in the limo
Riding. Holly was nervous, "Okay I I
Am just a little flustered. I'll contain
This, though. Can't hardly wait for
This to be over." Damian responded 
"Yeah ha! We both!" Holly laughed too
"You know!"  The visit was quick.
They shook hands with Doctor Negofi. He
Motioned for Holly to step into biotechnological 
Diagnostic imaging machine. She
Did so, and waited inside as she was
Told and be still to have accurate readings.
15 minutes she waited in the 
Contraption until the test was complete.
Doctor Negofi returned with the imaging
Results. They were anxious with 
Anticipation. "Doctor Negofi!" Damian 
Pressed. Negofi watched the readings
Carefully. "Mister Hakim I'm only
Being especially attentive of my
Certainty that you lucky couple are
Expecting identical twin girls due
Early August. Congratulations. Mr
And Mrs Hakim! Damian voiced his
Feelings, "Thank you Doctor Negofi."
We are both pleased."  Holly smiled
And nodded. They left for the mansion.

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Reflection on the Important Things