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Grand Mother Eartha's Dream

My husband and I always enjoy visiting
GrandMother Eartha
on Mother's Day

She often shares
last night's dreams,
which too often follow rather disturbing peak experience themes

you know,
or maybe not because,
how would I know?

Dreams about Her Straight White AlphaMale trauma
were maybe inspired by emotional 
and sensory neglect
from both DarkGod Judgment
and EarthGoddess Powers
exercised back when GrandMother Eartha 
was a fairly happy hooker,
addicted to patriarchal voices 
of disempowerment.

She likes to teach us how to share 
Her deepest co-invested dreams

In densely present nervous moments
felt native and indigenous
vulnerable and transparent,
yet perhaps not safely sacred

Without grasping
for Business As Usual top-down,
1 PolyNomial YangPole
always feels better
more immediately...

More importantly than
not-not 0-Soul Yintegral Black Hole,
as clearly as +1P, YangPolarity
is healthier and safer than -(-P), Yintegrity

LeftBrain invariant languaged 
1 polar light
is better and stronger
than 0 round 
empowering whole night
of lunar stars
and wisdom bright

Bilateral appositions
dreaming of less traumatic experiences
while therapeutically servicing 
Great White AnthroFather 
polarizing hubris
in whatever worshipful ways
might have felt less competitively satiating,
possibly even more verbally co-invested,
and, speaking of peaks, nonverbally co-infested...

Nonviolently communicating,
with eyes and ears wide open,
enjoying sacred smells
and tastes,
touched by voice
and mutual choice
felt secular lusty
and sacred trusted

1/0 ego/eco-balancing 
convex/concave co-habitating peaks
and herstoric
and therapeutic
bicameral double-binary experiences
balancing GrandMother's
bodhisattva EarthTribe

Her way of healing
inhumane rapacious past's intrusion
on Her sacred Dream experience
re-connecting ecofeminist equity

Found by choosing felt sacred presence
through Win/Win ego/eco-therapeutic dreams
filled out in timeless co-presence

Anticipating Great 0/1 ReGenerative Transitions
toward polyculturally positive
Green Health/Wealth TraumaPrevention
bihemispheric neurosensory opportunities.

When GrandMother awoke
just now,
within this Mother's Day Dream
she remembered previously sharing

When we awaken
we can choose
healthy-left Green Polypaths
AND wealthy-right Red 
Straight White AnthroMale privileged
monoculturing monopolies
of both FatherSun Light
and MotherEarth Power

Re-exploring curious mindbodies
co-empowering win/win
evolving dreams
and lives
and loves,
bipartisan co-passions
felt healthy at their peak
and wealthy in our valleys,
so to speak
of core dream lover values
appropriate to Mother's Day,
of course

GrandMother Eartha instructs,
and rhymes
and rhythms
full MindBody

Your positive intentions
will re-emerge
when you take one timeless moment
to sit
and receive minute messages

dark inside 
and lighter outside sounds
filling verbal air
and nonverbal atmospheres
and within multi-sensing integral awareness
of interdependent you

Ego synergetic sensations
rooted in phylogenic deep memories
in bilateral arms
and legs
and eyes
and ears
and nostrils
and lungs
and bicameral hearts
and mind-spirit hemispheres
dreaming ecofeminist left win/wins
and nightmares of AnthroPatriarchal
monotheistic right Revengeful Spins
to overtrump Sacrificial EcoFeminist Losses

Multisensory memories 
of traumatic duty
to service the AlphaMale's
darkest pleasures
without equally considering 
my own polysensory
peak therapeutic experiences

In age
and time
and place appropriate 
Mother's Day Timeless moment,

Much of what we complexly receive
with all six sensory receivers
now feel much more complexly peaking
in long dense sensing
intense awareness

Of relationships felt here before
and resurging now

Becoming more densely organic
win/win thriving 

Positive universal enlightenment
and not-not felt faith empowering
ecofeminist bodhisattva grace

Eartha's Day dreaming
peak multisensory experiences
co-arising dipolar
found and round
rewound unraveling
enlightening SunGod
empowering EarthGoddess
polyculturally embracing
strong  polar 1 and flowing round 0

In/Out Binary for ecological health
and Whole Open EarthTribe 
resilient safety again

Still moving forward
through this now surpassing Mother's Day

Dreams can out-embrace
this inside felt 
silent peace pace
in resonant space

Between polynomial Language
speaking of polynormative 

Denying win/lose
as anomalous trauma
contextualizing future win/win
economic and political
and multisensory persuasions

Healing GrandMother's
LeftBrain invariant
concavely traumatized ego
yet also
outside convexly too eco-competitive

For Mother's Day 
mindful intention,
HealthyLeft and WealthWise Right
bicameral balancing hemispheres
Here/Now copresent

Liberally conserving EarthTribe presence
in universal dreams of peace
restoring justice
while Self/Other win/wins reorganize
polyvagal polypathic delight

In both win and lose rediscovery 
of paradoxical
SunGod trauma invites EarthMother therapy
daoist Light and Power dreams
of Yang/Yintegral Balance

Mother's Day moment
avoiding lose/lose despair,
dark depression,

Straight White AlphaMale Historical
Religious and Royalist Colonizing Supremacy 
bad smell,
tightening of the posterior,
custody of the eyes
and all those other shameful
and blameful
judged insufficient organs
to resist
and bend to receive,
as is my prostate duty.

In better
and healthier,
wealthier and wiser
EarthTribe dreams

restoring justice
and Mother Eartha's forgiveness
for raping
what She would have gladly 
sacred peak experience given
multi-sensorily received

If you could have been more polite
and grateful
for health care nonverbally given
as wealth more penetratingly perceived
with unconditional warm regard

Especially as compared
to good old red-blooded
rapacious colonizing days.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs