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Mystery of Chaos

Clouds are silvery
Clouds are a mystery 
Mystery is mesmerizing 
Mystery is like smoke
Smoke is blurry 
Smoke creates paintings
Paintings inspire thoughtful minds
Paintings appeal to dreamy eyes
Eyes like a sparkling dark sky
Eyes that look like a beautiful tragedy
Tragedy is an elevated art
Tragedy like Doctor Faustus 
Faustus the ravenous scholar
Faustus is like Icarus
Icarus soared perilously up 
Icarus fell into the sea
Sea is full of risky creatures
Sea is full of mysteries
Mysteries are dark and hazy
Mysteries appeal to the lonely
Lonely is different from Alone
Lonely is a feeling
Feeling is vehement
Feeling makes poetry
Poetry is a flow of words
Poetry is like water
Water flows unrestrained
Water is life
Life imitates art
Life is different from survival
Survival is not death  
Survival is hiding from death
Death is the lack of feeling
Death exists where there's no passion
Passion sets the soul on fire
Passion is the guiding light
Light comes from within
Light is bright and warm
Warm like a fireplace
Warm like the sun
Sun lights up the sky
Sun lights up the earth
Earth brings up trees
Earth brings up Man
Man creates beauty
Man brings Chaos 
Chaos burns like fire
Chaos scatters ashes
Ashes. . .
Fire . . .

Copyright © Zainab Wasel Ali


Book: Reflection on the Important Things