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Read Pantheistic Poems Online


Freedom to Taste and See

Our green campus favorite
MuseSpeech Teacher
always hosted outside seminars
at noon,

And served chocolates
while mentoring
Her systemic theology

"Doesn't get on well
with academic secularized ecology
we have
and have not
personally experienced."

This is today's thesis
and antithesis
for engaging stories
of synergetic peak experiences,
amusing EarthBright passions,
peace-warrior beauty,
scents of sage sensed joy.

S/he mediates lunchtime vocations
inviting us to try again
replacing all our "mono" orthodox theories,
with "poly" orthopraxis
to reconsider
healthy freedoms
shamelessly uncovered 
through personal experience.

Trading in monotheistic theories
for polytheistic compassion

Monocultural nationalism
for polycultural globalism

Mono-polistic win/lose contention
for poly-polistic win/win intention.

As our internal clocks
move from ZeroSoul search
to OneSum find,
s/he concisely
and precisely creolizes
resilient bipartisan
through less transient opportunities
for curiosity

"Thank you for investing this lunchtime
with me
and each sacred Other
to learn to listen
before speaking nighttime's questions,
wondering and wandering on
and on 
about why tumescent monotheistic poles
most always feel so happy
to taste and smell 
our officious pantheistic holes."

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Reflection on the Important Things