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Chapter 160-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Property improvement Projects and Prosperity

Date:   June  2051

8:15 am-- Damian scheduled to have 
A few improvements and modifications.
Family in The house were alert and
Present. Molly and Holly were in the
Children's room bathing all 6 of them
The five baby boys and Dasheri.
Dolly joined them to quicken the
Prep process. They allowed the infants 
Play time in the cool water. Dolly said
"Yeah why not let em play it's 100
Degrees outside." Molly sighed.
"Dolly sis really?" Holly felt she'd 
Add her agreement, "Yeah I heard
The weather report this morning.
I think I'll go swimming as soon as..
Oh ASAP! honey! Misses Hakim refuses
To melt!" Dolly replied "yeah? Well
Have those children first. Okay?!
Babies? Right?" Molly asked are
They identical?" Holly rubbed her
5 month old belly, "Yess Misseszz!
Identical girls!" Molly started to reply.
"But when...Holly said, "But I think
They'll be born umm a little bit soon."
Ahuh, about another 2 months! Ugh
Oh! I just know you two will help me
Some. Just a piece of a minute. I
Can't do this.... Dolly interrupted 
"Oh what do you you think! Damian 
Will be helping! We have our hands
Full!"  Molly said, yeah we help whenever 
But we have these children."  Dolly 
Added, "You know?!" They lifted the
Babies from the huge bathtub.

Meanwhile Damian discussed with 
Builders and renovation contractors 
Exactly what he wanted done. 
"So same say how soon can this
Be done the Waterfalls with grotto
Included? No longer than let's saay 
One year or less?"  Same said, 
"Yes Of course of course what you
Want Exactly as you please!"
Damian was elated to hear those
Words, "aaah yeah man! That's what
I want? Can you start as soon as po...
Well I don't mean to hurry you. But
Understand Sam I am not a very
Patient man."  So Sam said, "Mister
Hakim! You want the most professional 
Job! do you?!"  Damian responded
"Alright Sam you man. You got a deal!"
Sam said, "Alright Damian 9 am 
Tomorrow morning."  Damian trotted
To CJs to discuss the hallway 
Connection. "Hey CJ! I gave this aah
Project in mind. I hope you will be
Cooperative. Well you know I think
You and Dad will be eventually...
Atlanta be involved."  CJ said, 
"Alright Damian lay it out."  They
Strolled outside and stopped just 
Before they reached Damian mansion.
He explained, "you see the space
Between our two mansions? What
You say we connect the houses from
The inside by corridors? Now we
Will still have our separate mansions
Yeah. Plus Connect with ma and 
Dad too. What you think man?"
CJ was skeptical. "But we will still 
Have privacy will we?"  Yeah" Damian
Uttered, "and beside Ma and Dad
Won't have to walk to far on hard
Ground."  He continued, "I mentioned 
It to Dad before. Ah a couple of weeks
Ago. I think He was pretty much 
Condoning. Are you complying
Brother?" CJ answered, "We don't
Want after a few months can we
Redo it?"  Well...hey no you'll be fine
With it aye that's a promise!" 
Damian was convincing and decisive.
CJ referred to the front yard. 
"Are you doing something there too?"
"Yeah." I'm keeping busy these days
Building my paradise!"  CJ remarked 
"Damn Damian I know I'm invited 
Half the time!" Damian laughed out
Loud.  "Yeaah! CJ Brother you ARE

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Shattered Sighs