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The Calm Before The Storm


They said I’m like the calm before the storm, that little glimmer of light out over the raging sea. The thin line between the sky and the sea. That ever so awkward feeling you get that puts you on the edge of your seat

The feeling you get when you’re unsure of the outcome or what role you play. The mixed up emotions and Unhealed traumas from the innermost part of yourself, that threatens to resurface from the dark abyss of you mind casting tumultuous waves all in and throughout your life. 

See me I’m the calm before the storm, the stillness of a ticking time clock counting down each second , each minute and each hour waiting to release the years of suppressed feelings and emotions, alongside my own traumas and generational traumas and curses. 

My calm over the years has evolved, leaving me unsure of the way I might react or if I’ll react at all. My calm these days just ain’t as calm anymore  but can you blame me for that. For years, and I do mean years 26 years to be exact I’ve be silenced. 

Told to push my feelings down and not express them, taught to stay in a child’s place and never tell anyone not even family what goes on in anyone else’s house even if it is hurting me. Told that I’ve always been naive and this is just the way the universe wishes to repay me. 

Lost, confused, downright defeated the calm in me has begun to boil up steaming like the vegetables you steam in your cooking pots. Searching and praying for just one person who will just listen and no not listen to solve the problem or to simply have a response. But for someone who would dare to be different and just want to understand. 

Tick Tock tick tock goes the timer on my calm because nowadays I am struggling to regain control over my calm before it turns into a storm. This beautiful crafted majestic blue butterfly has reached her limit bursting out the seam of my cocoon do I dare unleash my storm 

Manipulated , abused, silenced and damn sure misunderstood I look around and silently respond to my calm, it’s time to release the storm that’s within me. So I can heal and grow cause God for sure knows I’ve learned and continue to learn what it truly means to be THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM 

Copyright © Chelsea Irons


Book: Shattered Sighs