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The Usa Is Not Perfect

The USA is not perfect
  never has been
    never will be 

Unlike Russia, which has
  ‘no alcohol problem’ 
     ‘no civil disobedience’
        ‘no LGBTQ populace’
Not to mention no truth in the 
information it disseminates to 
suckers around the world...

Yes, indeed, the USA is not perfect
  not with George Washington
    the 1700’s slaveholder (gasp!)
      on our currency, not to mention
         Susan B. Anthony, who was proudly
            anti-abortion, pro-life – for shame, for shame!
~ Our ignominious past consigns us to eternal penance ~

Unlike Libya, where an ancient slave trade flourishes
  to this very day: Muslims enslaving black Christians
    which does not fit the media’s narrative
       so most people aren't aware of it 
         and the rest don’t care about it 

Unlike Afghanistan, where the repression of the 'Old Taliban'
is now fully in place under the ‘Newer, More Gentle Taliban’

or Syria, whose butcher of a ruler has made refugees of half his
citizenry, gassing thousands of others with chemical weapons…

But yes, indeed, the USA is not perfect
   Never has been
     Never will be

Let us forever grovel in abasement to all the tin-horn dictators of the world
not to mention our home-grown squadrons of regressive radical progressives
Down with Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Truman and Reagan!
Up with Omer, Tlieb, Pressley, Sanders, AOC, Corey Bush, Schiff, Nadler...
Long live Maduro, Castro, the Mullahs, Xi, bin Salman, Abbas, Gaddafi et al!

 Lies are Truths              Might Makes Right                Facts are Opinions

                                1        9         8          4

Copyright © Gershon Wolf


Book: Shattered Sighs