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Vacation All I Ever Wanted

Crystal waters plumping the honeydews 
and cascading through amusement park ride.
As tourists engage in espionage
in Duckburg at Knottsbury farms.
As graves of self sufficiency,
Communes of bagged embalm.
"Do What Thou Wilt","Do No Harm".
Spirit cooking, charms I"m sure.
Missing and exploited children bearing no arms.
Foreigners get precedence over
the Citizenry collage for the sake 
of stirring the melting plot.

The coffers brim 
and Scrooge McF swims past inflation,
reaps the rewards of child labor
at camp Whinnie the Pooh with pedophiles and containment lasers,
adds a zero and then again, while CBDC 
cabalist coup hides the genesis 
of their new technology, 
obfuscates the code in block-chain, 
snart contract chaser-
in lock-step
and unlocked surveillance,
laser focused,
poker face,
tazered for inconclusive shadow, ban.

As we sell our Sons and Daughters 
to a not so brave New World.
Sold at half price for reverse mortgage 
and a haptic iPhone holographic massage.
OnlyFans and Tic Tok trends.
Where does it end?
Where the SoyLent is green.
Where the Red Firm Grows.

Copyright © Jude Herrick


Book: Shattered Sighs