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Healing Systemic Trauma

Can you make any sense of
systemic racism?

No more common sense than
too much patriarchalism--
all leftbrain dominant things
oppressing sacred Earth's
polycultural win/win systems
promoting resiliently wealthy
resonant synergetic health

Care given
as received
in fruitful wombs,
like apple cores in transition
from refuse
toward rebirth

May be an EarthTribal positive prejudice
not associating Yang competitive energy
with evil supremacist patriarchy
and ugly post-survivalist machismo,
chronically sad
and bad
and even critically mad feelings
never regeneratively peaceful

Win/Lose narcissism has a further prejudice 
against restorative justice 
win/win co-invested
co-infested efficacy,
perhaps rooted in deep EarthTribal fear
and anger about realistic prospects
of MotherEarth's ecocidal revenge
to punish our inhumane hubris,
denying ego's inevitable mortality,
fueling a foul-based monotheistic
fouling a fuel-based anthro-supremacy

Traditionally supported
by orthodox StraightWhiteMale dominant doxologies
advocating monoculturally-endorsed
sacred scriptures supporting anthro-privileged
manifest patriarchal-predative
divine right is mighty nationalistic destiny

Invoking Jehovah's self-righteous tools
for sharpening weapons
to enforce win/lose politically expressed
retributive justice against idolatrous aliens,
we become obsessed with punishing 
traumatized Other

Unstraight suvivors
unwhite servants and sex slaves
unpatriarchal sibilant singers
and silently migrating sojourners

Regenerating compassion's
dynamically curious
Whole Open NonZero Systemic 
kinda ironic
win/win EarthTribal

Who are all about
cooperatively empowering Earth's
panentheistically sacred win/win Tribes,
God living within
as EarthGoddess love without
together restoring cultural peace
inclusive organic health
and polycultural 
environmental safe wealth

Led by history's front-line trauma victims
of StraightWhite Patriarchal Capitalists
falsely feeling free 
to ignore
and/or punish
and/or disenfranchise 
growing neurodiverse "disabilities"
to invest in war and hate
anger and fear
from an unsafe corporately veiled distance,
to automatedly exterminate pesky pests

Like RedArmed petulance
blaming Elitist mink coats
and top hats
shaming capitalist opium dens
of yesteryear excesses
for today's ecocidal ideation
rabid colonization,
chronic anxiety

LeftBrain dominant terror narratives
leaving huge non-hugged mind v body wounds
begging for EarthMother's resonant forgiveness

Which will include
restoring a role for Her masculine
radiant Yang synergy
conjoining EarthTribe's health consortium
including unconditional democratic Trust
in co-invested Health
and co-empathic handsome Beauty
and drumming dance of rhythm's
root chakra Wise Wealth

Empowering Earth-resilient sacred matrimony,
balancing FatherSun's unwise Othering
searing solo patrimony,
from where and for when
here and now resonant
outside and inside resilient
space and time's consonant
body felt and mind thought brilliance

Outside monotheistic nature
and inside pantheistic spirit
balancing integrity's promise
to provoke holonically consilient
organically resilient 
Sacred EarthTribe Healing

Inside Sage voiced
and outside PeaceWarrior choiced
polycultural Muse CoOperations
in global songs 
longing for local EarthTribe dance.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Reflection on the Important Things