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A Bohemian Maze of True Evil

Once so loyal and always true the gargoyles watch everything now
During their stony slumbers with their careful one-eyed open view,
As evil red-eyed demons rain down upon us in their dark-sprit forms, 
Whilst our unsuspecting mortal Earth is flush in an aura of confusion
And a cloudy haze of unrepenting sin that symbolizes Lucifer’s work.   

Malefic shapes of Hellspawn emerge now from an unholy alliance 
Where venom and hate merge in a dark chamber of “The Damned,”
All the while their scowling and fiendish stares pierce us deeply,
And unrelentingly as they beckon our inner spirits backwards with 
Their tinge and terror of true malediction and feverish desire for all
Things uncanny and unclean that bespeak of macabre pure.

Reasons dance upon slivered tunes and silvern tongues of the demons,
As they grotesquely mount the battlements with their smiles of true evil.
The hideous grimace on their faces is a devilish upside-down nasty-smile,
That can only be possessed by the cruelest of creatures who are charged
By Lucifer himself, as a perverse group of miscreants who welcome all
Misguided visitors who arrive at this unholy and forlorn earthly cavern, 
To cross the River Lethe into a state of oblivion from whence they shall 
Never return to see and bask again in the brilliance of God’s eternal light!

A radiantly beautiful mermaid entices her unsuspecting victims into a
Menagerie she maintains as one of Lucifer’s most favorite disciples.  
After entertaining each victim, she turns her deadly Medusa-like gaze
On them whilst sending icy-cold shivers through their dying heartbeats,
As red-eyed demons anxiously await each victim’s painful demise.
There can never be any mercy shown to a visitor who unexpectedly
Enters Lucifer's Kingdon of Eternal Darkness and Damnation!

In this continuous unending maze of debauchery there are also other
Demons who are specifically assigned to entertain the deceptive and
Spawning lies of those unusual aliens who co-exist on mortal Earth
With human beings and are hidden in plain open-sight among them all.
These aliens, devoid of all human emotion, who show up unexpectedly
Are there to capture a glimpse of Hell's eternity under the dais circle.

Endlessly as death comes—there is an aura to the emotional immorality
As Centaurs, Sphinxes, and Harpies transform themselves into a kind of 
Ghastly, ghoulish, and deliciously evil group of dancing shadow-shifters
In the realm of half-lived lives whose mendacity is the main dish now, 
Served where the only menu choice is a one-line trick possessed by the
Specter of Death, the mythic eternal Footman himself—who doubles as
A most trusted prophet of imprecation and fear for Lucifer!

Self-appointed Demon Guardians of this lost world seeking fulfillment 
Of Lucifer’s masochistic imperatives rule the roost where those shells 
Of former human beings who were once viewed as members of mankind
Are, indeed, viewed in contempt now as depraved hosts of the once great
Human Race deprived of any hope, shorn of dignity—now soulless figures
At the beck and call of everything that’s truly evil in Almighty God’s Eyes.

Entering this final gruesome portrait of undying hellfire and unmitigated 
Evil in this Bohemian Maze are monstrous apparitions from bygone times,
Who come alive and take real form as Minotaurs, Echidnas, and Chimaeras.
All are profoundly frightening creatures who are ready and willing to do the 
Horrible bidding of Lucifer at the very flick of his finger—as such creatures 
With this unbridled power and force of nature find their true home in this
Evil maze!

This ancient covenant of evil and moral deception is symbolically cast
As a vicious coiled snake—who bespeaks an aura of poisonous venom
And an odious degree moral depravity beyond normal description where
Black Phantoms reign and freely haunt the consciousness of all mankind
As it hopelessly trembles ignorantly fretful, whilst all the while being 
Truly unaware of the undeniable and unlimited power of Almighty God
In this instance!

To those who harbor their fears of the darkness, the unknown, and the
Evil intentions and machinations of Lucifer and his minions, they should 
Understand that Almighty God’s authority and power are omniscient, and
That His divine and radiant heavenly light shall forever crush the horrid
Impulse of darkness to shine, and shall conquer all creatures and things
Presenting themselves as truly evil, uncanny, and unclean! Amen!

Deus miseratur! Deus tecum!

Liam McDaid, Donna Loughman, and Gary Bateman 
A Collaborated Poem
December 23, 2017 (Narrative)

Copyright © Donna Loughman


Book: Shattered Sighs