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The Shape of Dark - A Murder of Crows

murders rise on nights like these
                   crows - in bushels cross   
and stitch the horizon dead
painting dusk blind 
                   the shape of dark

                   on nights like these…
memories can snag on sob and storm 
from deepest fathom torn 
oaths, in cold belly set 
the heavy shore 
to lag on the horizon   
where on ice and rock 
they lynch the wing 
and in shadows wrought
bury the light 
in darkness, vague as death
painting dusk blind
                   the shape of dark  
                   on nights like these…
mountains shiver into cold sleep 
to possess the deep 
where ivies bloom and creep  
on lattice drift, above the hum 
where once clicking the cicadas sung   
breaking slumber under blue moon spell
frolicking frond, breathless fell
                   so reckless, ambles the wayward heart
painting dusk blind…I find
                   the shape of dark
                   on nights like these…
on whom no sun deep fire shall look 
to shed precipitously  
but softly sings the somber sea
her wayward notes afloat
greet the ear (a memory?)          
a haunting stroke 
the rustling 
of voices (laughter?) 
locked in throat
painting dusk blind

                   on nights like these…
I am at peace
a murder of crows in backyard flicker 
while in beautiful darkness swoons the distant moon 
beating the light 
my heart held warm 
that no murder on this night shall swarm 
save for sounds soft and low
sent through the wind from a distant crow -  

Copyright © Mat Ignacio


Book: Shattered Sighs