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Date:  March  2051

3 days until April:
Flight time 3:05 afternoon--  IN flight 
"Dolly and Molly fumbled in their
Seat to achieve comfort. "Ooo does
This flight have to be this long!" 
Dolly was frustrated. Holly whimpered 
"I want home." Damian was on the
Other side of The isle seated with
CJ DJ and Amadeus. Sidney offered 
His opinion. "The Jet seems nice
And big." Tino chimed in, "I think all
These jets are the same Uncle."
But it's a beautiful plane." Constantino
Reported. Everybody was involved 
In light conversations for awhile.
Then Damian and CJ spoke about
The Hoover craft company. Most 
Everybody slept as time Swept the
Evening. Then more conversations 
And finally the landing. The airport
Staff assisted with their Luggage.
"Hawaiian arrival ooo nexus perfection."
Molly was speaking everybody's thoughts.
"It's gorgeous!" Holly beamed, while
Dolly held Damian's hand. Dolly 
Agreed, "You have it sister! What 
Time is it? Is there a time difference here?"
"Yeah maybe we'll get info once
We have our room keys." Damian 
Said.  The rest of the family was
Behind them. CJ yelled out, "Yall
Have reservations yet?" Sidney said,
"Yep we do! Do you!"  Dolly noticed
The hotel name emblazoned the top
Of the front entrance, 'MERCURY 
The 28 family members retrieved
Their room key cards. Nyaf was last
To get his card. "Hey did you know
There's a fish pond here in the lobby
He was blaring while he ran behind 
Them into the glass elevator. Reached
The 3rd floor boasting plush door
To door carpet. And mirrors surrounding.
"This is quite the impressive accommodations."
CJ uttered. Damian said, "Yessss
And yeah but....WE are used to the
Most Majestic mansions man! Aren't 
You?"  DJ extended his senses,
"Yeah Dad! But let my uncle compliment 
This place! It ain't bad Dad."  Damian 
Comically replied, "Ya see there son
Now mind your business Damian 
Junior!"  I'm your father! Am I?"
You had better be agreeing with ME!
MAN!" DJ said, "Ooh ooh Master
Master! IIi bow down SIRE! Haa!
Ha ha wooo!" Everybody watched
Damian and laughed Heartily. 
They entered the elevator. Damian 
Murmured, "WHAT  was I thinking."
Dolly said, "You said something babe
I didn't hear you."  Damian replied,
"Nah I was just thinking of tomorrow's 
Plans. CJ you Sidney will be at this
Conference for late afternoon won't
You?" Both brothers responded,
"Yeah Damian of course."  "You don't
Have to ask Dee. You know me."
He turned to DJ saying this is a
Family business conference so
Dad, Uncle Preston, Uncle Tyler
and Uncle Tito And uncle Savarho 
Will all attend by Skype." He Tapped
DJs shoulder, "You will Be there
Too."  DJ said, "Yeah I will Dad. 
Whatever is good for the family."
Elevator door slide open, then 
Damian said, "And before we all
Part for the night...I'm planning 
A special something for my special 
People. A major family event after
The meeting tomorrow. I...have to
Marry somebody. These two women
Are special to me." Holly yelped,
"Aiiih! Damian wow!" Molly said,
"I've been waiting Damian." He promised 
"Your wait is over babe." Dolly pinched
Molly's cheek, "Congratulations!
Misses Me!!! Aiiih!"  Now all 28 
From separate elevators, 
 crowded the hall congratulating
Them. CJ was the reality Informer.
"Hey Damian congrats"
What kind of...what kinda wedding 
When most of the family is back home
Unless you plan on skyping it!" 
Everybody agreed with CJ. Damian 
Quipped, with his hand firmly gripping
CJs shoulder, "See brother that's why
I need you always there for me.
And I didn't really think it through, 
Much. Therefore this event will have 
To be postponed. Although...this 
Affair doesn't have to be extravagant."
They separated searching for their
Rooms. Damian found his and it
Was adjourned with Holly and Molly's.
Dolly was with him just as he reserved.
Holly had a hassling Hawaiian hesitation.
"So but uum. You...ha. why. Okay.
We are supposed to be about to 
Marry you. Damian stopped her,
"Oh no worries my love. Wait... until."
Then he entered his luxury accommodations 
Leaving them standing in the Hall.
"See that's.  He has got sooo much
Power! Uh makes me sick!" Holly
Affectionately flamed. Molly said
Are you. Sure it makes you sick or
Maybe...HE makes you. Pregnant!."
Holly responded, "mmm Maybe
Yeah maybe that too. Just a little 
Bit."  Dolly interrupted,  with laughter.
"Anyway! We have had a day! And tomorrow 
We have the whole day. You peeps
Need to plan. I got my man! Now
Get yours! Girls! They just flared out.
Then screamed, "DAMIAN!!!"  Molly
The mature meticulous mother  receaded,
"Alright busy sisters, I am going to 
Sedately slip into my dreams and yall
Should too. Goodnight."  They both
Bid her a lively goodnight in return.
Dolly went to her room with Damian.
And Holly stayed in hers. Each woman
Were in thought alluding to the hours

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Reflection on the Important Things