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Legacy of Hope: My Dad

Legacy of Hope; My Dad

My first memories are full of your dear face
Kind brown eyes, edged with wrinkles, a mere trace
I can't see a frown nor fretful scowl, only a gap toothed grin
With a pompadour, shiny, slick, and black as sin
So pleasing and handsome, lanky, laid back stance
Graceful limbs, in motion, like an underwater
 dream dance
I picture your gentle hands, known as well as my own
Square nails, clean, soft, sign language for,  “home”.

My first memories are full of your sweet voice
Telling tales, laughing, and singing, you rejoice
About your love for God, for family, and of wholesome fun
The Sun shines brighter with every string you pluck, every chord you strum
Lighting up my life, bringing warmth and feeding my very soul
Never allowing the hard times, the bitterness,  take a toll

My first memories are full of compassion and true love
My Daddy, trusted to save me from fear, 
My father, bringing peace like the dove
From first memory to a lifetime, gifted with you always standing by
Unable to repay you but with all that's in me, I'll try
Taking all that I have learned from you, kindness, compassion, fun silliness too,
I'll hold your familiar hand as my face fades from your view, 
My last memory of this man,
my beloved Dad, 
will be full of hope, bittersweet, but not sad. 

Copyright © Crystol Woods


Book: Shattered Sighs