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Yuletide pageant merry go round

Yuletide pageant merry go round

Panoply of mystical elements of holly day style 
breathe prez sense frostily exhaled aired
per millennia athwart 
(this terrestrial spaceship planet Earth)
two plus seventeen carousel rides resonated
veritable pantheon of pagan rituals 
and quirky superstitions lit 
(akin to a lit Christmas tree) 

starry eyed imagination
as catalyst viz Homo Sapiens 
furrowed stern brow of forehead 
aft stemmed whilst Santa oft puzzling 
(allocating suitable gifts) 
inducing him to tug thought generating beard
pondering, whence agents provocateurs 
receive just desserts

fueled hodge podge, mish mashed, helter skelter 
eclectic December twenty fifth 
encompassing tens of thousands previous generations
bred despacito fixtures via paganism, 
Manichaeism, Jainism, et cetera
ancient brutish credos, ethos, faiths 
brewed nebulous concoction
within mindset of early mankind 

loose confection, confederation, conglomeration
indiscriminately torquing, vetting, whetting 
disparate constituent beliefs
contagion wrought spirit paradigm 
inculcating oral tradition Madonna and child 
occupying high chair
whereat superstitions birthed patchwork 
comprising divergent ensemble heralding 

tender petsmart impact, where world wide web populated 
with sacrificial pacification sans deity 
via oblation, immolation, flagellation appeasing Dominatrix
borrow wing, vis a vis amalgamated viz Roman sol invictus
wrought fiery brimstone tempting those who dared
assert contrary fledgling jambalaya outlook 
provoking regally supreme sacerdotal wiseman 
punishing opposing incorporating 

novel modus operandi explaining sacrilegious worship
such heretics pitched headlong 
into fiendish frothing furnace
forcing obeisance toward primitive popular 
identified, honored, glorified father figure
expressing devotion re: 
decking the halls of the mountain king,
whence boughs of Juniper sprigs contriving wreaths

sanctifying twisted brambles via sprinkling angel dust
(actually cremated remains of malefactors 
stripped of habiliments) during bleak winter
unwittingly interweaving nascent (futuristic) 
formally codified bona fied religions
unknowingly, tacitly, silently rendering 
quintessential premises obliging
layperson to foreswear locally rooted secular treatises 

trounced, trumpeted unction voided 
wishy washy antithetical blind faith coalescing edicts
over course of time became established 
Greco-Roman imposed group think
disallowing cynics, 
diametrically emerging fanatics, skeptics
who (if he/she did not recant 
recalcitrant recommended recourse
faced torture amidst throng of madding crowd
as entertainment and forewarning gall 
asper those who held steadfast dissimilar views
taught since birth, when citizenry reared
as just a little drummer boy/ girl pipsqueak
taught to stay the course (sans straight and true)
bound without freedom to express contrary aspects
of ways and whyfores, which accepted traditions 
controlled each green day

and silent night, wherefore unimaginable ogres
lined straying hip cats 
eventually ensnared within warpath,
whence law of the land lend scimitar to smite
any mortal man, woman 
or child with flaming torches
licking the heretical body electric, 
while defiant individuals
left to burn into decimated 
charcoal blackened, ashen corpse.

Copyright © Matthew Harris


Book: Reflection on the Important Things