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Read Friendlies Poems Online


Spinning Top

Panther calling Kestrel-- over
No response
Panther calling Kestrel-- over
No response
Panther calling Kestrel, time is critical--over
No response
Kestrel calling Panther, break in comms, big spinning top is taking us into  wintertime, you are among friends, sending new coordinates-- over
No response
Kestrel calling Panther--over
No response
Panther this is Kestrel, data coming in now, need immediate sitrep-- over
Panther, calling Kestrel, 19 confirmed, 4 casualties, 4 walking-- over
Kestrel to Panther, go silent--over.  (F**K)
Kestrel, calling  Panther-- over
Panther -- over
They were friendlies, need to put this down to a bad day at the office, it happens, passing upstairs to hats. Wait out.
Kestrel calling Panther— over.
Panther-- over
Status has now changed, this is no longer a friendly country.
Repeat this is no longer a friendly country, previous sitrep reads, 27 confirmed. Is this correct-- over
Panther–- correct-- over
OK Panther– suggest immediate sabbatical. The big bus is waiting.
Kestrel to Panther__ out.

Copyright © Paul Bell


Book: Reflection on the Important Things