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Read Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do Poems Online


There is room at the cross for you and collections

"There is room at the cross for you 2X
Though millions have come, there's
still room for one. Yes, there is room
at the cross for you."

Yes indeed Christ died for both you and me

At the wiping post, he bore both our sickness
and our shames without e'er complaining,
but he willing shed his precious blood at
Calvary's cross so both you and I need
not e'er be eternally lost in the fires of hell.

There is  room at the cross for you

O There's room a plenty for both the
poor folks, the gentry, the nobility and
even the royalty.  Cause when he died,
he freely pardoned all both the great
but also the small.  Thus for all of us
to become redeemed throughout all
of eternity.

O There is room at the cross for the
sinful wrenches such as both you but
me too, on the cross he cried,"Father,
forgive them for they know not what
they do." He meant that for the Roman
soldiers but also for both you and me too.

For two thousands years generations of
people have both come and gone, the
vast multitudes eternally wrongfully
choosing to forever bare their own
penalties for all of their sins and their
shames.  Hallelujah, what a Savior

When they first  perished they already
knew they only had their own selves
to blame, for perishing in hell-fires
flames.  All cause they thought they
could work their own ways into the
kingdom of heaven by their own
merits. Hallelujah, what a Savior

But dearest friends, I am freely and 
quite boldly proclaiming unto all of
you, that need not become true for
both all of you and me too.  For unto
this very day, I can most assuredly
say unto you.  There's room at the
cross for you. Alleluia, what a Savior 

Though millions have come, there
still room for one, yes there is room
at the cross for both you and me too.
So if today, Jesus is loudly knocking
at your heart's doors, open them wide
and freely invite your Savior inside of
your hearts.  Alleluia, what a Savior

Hope for today and bright hope for

O There's hope for you today and bright
hope for me tomorrow, for great is his
faithfulness, Lord unto thee and me.

There is no shadow before thee and me,
He shed his pure and holy blood on the
Cross of Calvary, redeeming us from the

curse and the shame of the evil ones
forces of evil.  For greater is he that is
in you and me than he that is in the world.

Jesus loves me this I know for the
Bible tells me so, little ones to him
belong we weak but he is strong.

Christ's love
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954/October Country
May 23, 2024

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Shattered Sighs