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I now demand retribution, at least recompense
It’s like a pain in my stomach, a hunger unfed
Get the fullest apology for all that’s been said
When first shared online, it made me see red
Those nasty perpetrators deserve no defence

Evil false stories, spread just because they can
My desire for some justice burns in my gut
I wish they had a power line that I could cut
Or that their fancy vehicle gets stuck in a rut
If only one could just impose a worldwide ban

It’s the press you know, they’re above the law
Spying on people, and printing some awful lies
All those newspaper organisations I do despise
Just to sell more papers despite all of the cries
It feels just like they are rubbing a painful sore

But my hunger for retraction will be ignored
The impact on myself and my life is now dire
As deep down inside, it really burns like a fire
My everything now embers on a funeral pyre
Yet they still expect me to fall on my sword

Some slimy reporter, always keen for a scoop
Truth is the regular victim of his daily crimes
No standards are left in these worrying times
They call it an expose, but nothing rhymes
I wish all were permanently out of the loop

Copyright © Howard Osborne


Book: Reflection on the Important Things