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Aunt Eartha's Winter Interview

What are your most winterish
critical trauma events
in these most recent
three millennia?

just my traumas?
Why not their corresponsive
for restoring EarthJustice?

Please go on
and on
questioning my questions
seemingly without end,
like an arctic wind-blown 
starless night
in eternally restless January.

As you say,
and, but for this grand analogy,
you would pay dearly
for your unsprung youth,

Back in pre-colonial daze
of sacred tribal glad,
mostly naked clad

Fall harvests produced fertile gratitude,
more of a positive
win/win attitude.

In those last warm and golden times
of nature nighttime naivete
some Governor,
a Wise Elder, perhaps

No matter how Patriarchal,
would deep dream
to set defenses against
each sacred Other

Yet pantheistically inclusive Mother Earth
could not feel ripe
or right, apart

Summer fullness
and winter dormant absence
fail to positively correlate
Earth's spirited spring minds
and physical womb-falling bodies
with metaphysical,
sacred bipartisan,
deeply thoughtful
yet hibernating 
frustrated feelings
failing to confluently 
and competently understand

and excommunicating
across seasons
and present seas
of sacred vulnerable immigration
followed by thoughtfully transparent 
slow-grown emigrant sacred status
rooted in wisdom
and freedom to grow copassions,
not mere freedom from
some other kindless

Immigrating/Emigrating EarthTribes
exhaling summer's sway
migrating winter's WombDream play
back in to sacred circling
and recycling stay.

Thanks for that,
Aunt Eartha.
Sounds like less of a summery answer
and more of a deep wintering question.

Yes, my dear,
and what does winter taste
and look
and feel like?

Restoring Earth's
seemingly endless 
cold white privilege,

Thawing into
more spring/fall balance,
green/blue global 
yet apparently dormant,
sacred honed ecologists.

Sorry, Aunt Eartha,
drifting off,
wandering in winter wonder

EcoTherapy, once around again,
regenerating global 
GoldenPlaying Peace

Within this silent wintered star's
bright prolific night.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs