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A Journey Through the Mountain's Majesty

Dawn's Embrace:
Adret: Dawn paints the face of giants,
Where sunlight warms and shadows dance.
Aiguille: Fingers pierce the azure sky,
A challenge whispered, sharp and high.

Earth's Whispers: 
Dome: Molten heart, now cold and grand,
A silent testament to time's command.
Escarpment: Sheer cliffs, a warrior's stance,
Where wind whispers tales of ancient trance.

Folded Mountain: Earth's wrinkled skin, a story told,
Of pressure, time, and secrets bold.
Glacial Erratic: A stranger's stone, a journey's mark,
Whispers of ice, in the silent dark.

Resilience and Strength:
Hogback: Jagged spine, a dragon's rest,
Where wind finds voice, and eagles test.
Inselberg: Lone sentinel, a weathered crown,
Standing proud, where empires drowned.

Krumholz: Twisted trees, a silent cry,
Of life's resilience, reaching high.
Massif: A fortress carved by time's hand,
A kingdom vast, where giants stand.

Monadnock: Unyielding rock, a timeless friend,
Through storms, it stands, till journeys end.
Nunatak: An island peak, where ice holds sway,
A silent witness to the passing day.

Mountains Speak: 
Oread: Whispers of the mountain's soul,
In windswept cries, stories unfold.
Orography: The map of giants, etched in stone,
A language whispered, all alone.

Summit and Beyond:
Pinnacle: Where heaven meets, and dreams take flight,
A touch of stars, in fading light.
Plateau: A table high, where clouds convene,
A breathless pause, a world unseen.

Nature's Dynamics:
Alpenglow: A blush of rose, on the snowy crest,
A fleeting kiss, before the west.
Alpine: A world above, where air is thin,
And life finds strength, where few have been.

Avalanche: A thunderous roar, a white cascade,
A reminder raw, of nature's blade.
Banner Cloud: A ghostly flag, on wind's command,
A silent sign, in mountain land.

Hidden Depths and New Beginnings:
Cirque: A cradle carved, by glacial might,
Where secrets sleep, in the moonlit night.
Col: A passage, where paths divide,
And new adventures, gently hide.

Cordillera: A dragon's spine, across the land,
A chain of giants, hand in hand.

Caution and Reflection:
Cornice: A fragile ledge, where danger sleeps,
A whisper warns, where silence keeps.
Crag: A weathered face, etched with time,
A canvas is vast, for stories sublime.

Guiding Hope:
Cairn: A guiding hand, on a lonely trail,
A silent hope, that won't ever fail.

The Mountain's Symphony:
From Adret's warmth to glacial chill,
Each mountain tells a story still.
A symphony of rock and sky,
Where dreams take flight, and spirits fly.

The Call to Climb: 
So let us climb, with hearts alight,
And seek the wisdom, in their height.
For in the mountains, we find our soul,
A timeless echo, that makes us whole.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P


Book: Reflection on the Important Things