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They say another
wrote the story, not I.
that I, mere I,
having little experience, shy 
and far removed from 
such an alien world,
would not possess the knowledge
of such terrible and ruthless, lusty 
characters of strong will; 
that these perplexities
and complexities, were not
birthed by a mere slip of girl,
a flighty will-o-the-wisp 
with dreams dispersing
barefoot and wilful, 
roaming indolently, 
sighing restlessly
across barren hills;
such a contradiction.
yet, I wasn’t berthed.
No one could tether me,
though I was found to be
moored, where 
peregrine breezes
kissed me. 

even now they wonder,
was it I? … or the one 
who left before me, with 
such novel haste.
worlds die eventually 
and the truth dies with the 
old world, all is black and dark.
for a while. 
first phase, a supernova, 
then after a time, 
a new star is born, 
in its stead.
one shadows the other.
always. but never,
in the mirror's bed.

in my life, moors were
not people, but plains
of a confined yet open 
existence, spread wide and
intermittently purple 
with the scent 
of long forgotten
lavender, the place where
true romance, breathed
all that was escape in, 
uncannily that was where
Life was found, it rested; there,
the ripe confessions buried
to bloom spectres,
who roamed those barren
childhood rectories, visited them 
like curated cloaked banshees, 
at open windows imploring 
the woke apparitions to let them 
wildly come back in, return
to what was left standing,
eerily vacant after the deluge,
where we each wore the 
clay mask of an absent mother.
through Her, spoke our stories.
they always tout 3 as the 
number, they forget 4, 5, 6
and all the others, imploring.

a story, 
that, which was deemed,
I could not write for 
virtue of being 
such a childish woman,
totally unexplored, 
demure and inexperienced
at life; a solitary confinement,
in an awkward body of work 
not meant for this world, 
perhaps not even 
the next.
For, I was just a mere girl, 
then mere woman,
lacking the required 
fortitude, and 
piercing experience.
Some referred to my 
obsequious nature
as being strange and
at odds with that 
which was totally 
expected by virtue
of the differences in
the underlying thoughts
and motives, of the 
'you should be this not that' 
characters of all others. 
I was,
unexpected, reckless,
and hopeless, they said. 
I was not anticipated. 
that is to say, in the end,
the thought that came 
into host my volatile persuasion, 
articulated, I alone, was not that,
which mattered most;
“we” were, each
the other’s flame 
and imagination;
for veritable ignition.

it is our secret
for no one else.
We are each, 
the other’s channel. 
always, turned on, 
for the swim across 
unusual dimensions,
electric lightening 
veined alive, gloriously at odds,
for want of better explanation,  
reaching out to each the other. 
This, a life force united, 
to be reckoned, 
in another life, 
when the old world 
we knew then, imploded,
dissolved to nothing, 
when the All became

death only brings 
to bare a new world 
like the first breath 
of a crying child
and in this new world, 
where absent mothers
and sisters wait expectant,
not empty ghosts like another,
wondering lost 
in New Covenant, 
like a collared curate 
walking into confessionals
seated and hit by cloudy storms 
and dark sardonic hailing iced Marys;
through open windows
permeates my light, burning
as if in hell - but this all depends
of course, on which story 
you want me to tell -
my Light, 
I am elated to convey,
remains shining bright,
like a Fresnel lens beacon;
we stand still, the missing 
and the missed,
reborn and united.
Heaven and Hell.

I shall not be poet
nor writer, but 
the strange one,
who brings forth 
new curious colours, 
spectrums in waves 
peculiar vibrations 
from inside, the other, 
to those outside, 
seeking shinier
outcomes, confetti
like a kaleidoscope.

there are many 
ways to read and 
understand a story.

My ship is called
the Ellis Bell
it runs rings around 
a poésie, like wheels
of Ezekiel. It flies 
like my pet Merlin, 
I rescued once,
only once. 

That bird, 
had a mind of
it’s own. 
I named that firebird,

Never moored.
It always found its own way 

(LadyLabyrinth / 2022)

"Shall earth no more inspire thee,
Thou lonely dreamer now?
Since passion may not fire thee
Shall Nature cease to bow?

Thy mind is ever moving
In regions dark to thee;
Recall its useless roving—
Come back and dwell with me."


"I was at peace, and drank your beams
As they were life to me
And revelled in my changeful dreams
Like petrel on the sea.

Thought followed thought—star followed star
Through boundless regions on,
While one sweet influence, near and far,
Thrilled through and proved us one."

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth


Book: Reflection on the Important Things