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A Self Portrait

Behold, oh my beloved!
Is there a hidden care
you would like to share,
with your not so gentle gaze?

Repudiating caducity,
your eyes portray
sustained excitement ~
still and restrained
whilst behind you
an arabesque of phantasmagorical

Behold, oh my beloved
the vortex of colours 
surrounding you
entwine a paradigm
of that starry night~
and as i look into its cosmic glow
I fall in love with you.

22 May 2022

A Briand Strand Premiere Choice Poetry Contest
6th Place

Like Rembrandt and Goya, Vincent van Gogh often used himself as a model; he produced over forty-three self-portraits, paintings or drawings in ten years. Like the old masters, he observed himself critically in a mirror. Painting oneself is not an innocuous act: it is a questioning which often leads to an identity crisis.
( Credits: Google Arts and Culture)

Copyright © Jcb Brul


Book: Shattered Sighs