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Chapter 34 -- Delilah Damian Damian Junior Mallory and Friends

Damian Sr. spent two nights in
Saint Michael's Medical Center 
With his wife and his new 
Beautiful baby boy.
They were welcomed home by
Damian's friends Sébastien 
Shakespeare Malcolm Justin 
And Shannon.  Delilah came
down stairs to Present Damian 
Junior.  As Damian took him
From Delilah arms, 
His friends flooded the nn
Atmosphere with a barrage 
Of 'congrats man'  'he looks
Just like you'  'your spitting 
Image'.  "What's his name?"
Malcolm asked. Damian said,
"Damian Hakim Junior,  DJ
For short. 
Damian posed with 
His son while his friends 
Snapped photos. Shakespeare 
Wanted to hold Damian Junior 
As they continued snapping 
Photos.  Sébastien said, "Man
I bet those early am feedings
Are murder. Huh? They all 
Joined in to offer their 
comments And advice.  
The new Family 
Posed for photos. And they
All snapped shots of baby
Damian.  Afterwards Delilah 
Took Damian Junior for his
Feeding. His friends made
Their exit after Polite hinting
From Delilah. Afterwards she
Started dressing Damian Junior.
Damian said, "Where are you
Supposed to be going?" 
Well, it's such a nice day. I
Don't want to stay inside."
She Beamed with love For
The family she wasn't 
Prepared for. "So where do
You want to go?"  Damian 
Asked his Voluptuous wife
Taking her in his arms. She 
Said with slow quiet 
Seduction, "Damian.  We
Need. To bed."

Damian rushed her back to
Their bedroom.  DJ was 
Sleep in his crib.  Damian 
Started stripping her and 
Arousing her at the same time.
She was screaming, "Damian 
No! Let's save it for later!
Damian brushed her mouth.
Shush! You'll wake DJ.
They were both breathless 
And in ecstasy and in love
Next she gave him a heavenly 
Message causing him to
Groan and silently scream.
Broad daylight love making.
Damian then repaid Her with 
Maddening Caresses to her
Most delicate parts 
"Daamiiaan yoouu..." 
"Oh you're not....faaairr."
They continued savage
Passionate lovemaking until
Damian Junior woke up
Crying. They layed with each
Other rhythmically breathing 
Trying to regain their Composure 
While Damian Junior cried.

"How much more can you be
In love with a person before 
You reach the next level of
Love making." She layed next
To him satisfied.  He said
"Don't worry I think we reached 
That level because I feel so
Happy right now,  
"Yeaaah,"  HAHAHAAA!"
Damian issued his other
Worldly laugh. "Now that
We're both satisfied lets go
See about our son." She said
Rising from the bed. She 
Changed DJ's pamper. Then
Breastfed him.
"What time is it?" She Asked 
While placing Damian Junior 
Back in his crib.
"We won't  make it out today."
"Yeaaah."  You think we should 
Explore that next level?" 
Damian grabbed for her. 
"NO Damian! You are 
Dangerous doubley dominant.
Don't make no sense so 
Since we are staying in we
Should watch movies.hmm?
"Know what? You changed me
Damian... you changed me so
Much. I don't even remember 
The me I used to be."
Damian replied, "I think that's 
A good thing."  "Come here!"
He snatched her up and put
Her on the floor of the Baby's 
Bedroom. "Damian nooo!"
Let's watch movies. Please.!"
He stopped groping her and 
Said, "Delilah the way that you
Are right now is the way I want
You to be."  
" Just right for me.
Misses Hakim."
She said, "Baby this is the
Happiest I have ever been."
They shared crippling passion
On the Baby's bedroom floor.
The next day Damian spent the
Whole day in classes. 
Meanwhile Delilah caught a
Taxi with DJ to visit Molly.
Molly was Overjoyed to see
Them. "Oh my goodness 
Damian Junior is gaining
Weight fast."  "Yes, he is
Heavier.  Almost to heavy For
Me to carry in the pouch 
Carrier thing."  Molly got
Nosey "so how is it to be
A mother and a wife."
"I don't know.  I'm giving them 
Both everything I can. It's 
A lot. I'm getting a break today
Since Damian is in class now."
"And I still have to take time 
For myself. Damian helps
It. Can be overwhelming at

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Shattered Sighs