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Energy Democracy V Fascism

I suppose
is the logical conclusion
of rabidly overpopulated fascism.

Some cannibals,
perhaps all,
ate their human prey
not for typical nutritional reasons
like other forms of digested nature,
but more specifically
because those dining
hoped their prey's sacred powers
would thereby become their own,
conjoining for their unilateral augmentation,
like fascism.

At first blush
this sounds like appalling inhumane sacrifice
as I'm sure it shall remain
til red sky dusks of fascism
dawn hopeless red skies 
of climate cannibalizing pathology.

It seems so obvious
that positive communication
and mutual cooperative trust
would be a healthier path,
and more likely of success
to perpetuate this conjoining goal
of energetic nutritional powers
with human prey,
fellow civil and democratic residents,
all cooperative WinWin citizens of Earth.

Even more enlightened slave owners
preferred, and sometimes invested in,
multi-generational creolizing domestic bliss
rather than harvesting the bought and paid for help.

The value exchanges
between outside energy and inside nutrition
are best reflected on from both outside, LeftBrain convexly,
and inside, RightBrain concave bilateral, views.

Who could be an Ego predator
who has never know themselves
as a potential EcoPrey?

Who prays to a higher Energy power
without having succumbed to Lower powers?

Human natural-spiritual co-intelligence,
watching icy double-boundaries of a winter river
give way to open flowing water 
in warmer weather,
Also notices this river in colder weather,
its self-identity as flowing water
giving way to hardening and thickening ice-crystal edges,
double-boundaries to Right and Left,
West and East,
North and South,
and all polypathic directions
of and for sacred nutritional energy exchanges,
wu-wei transforming relationships
in-between EnergyOut and NutritionIn,
Ego and Eco,
Yang and Yin.

Even so,
lacking this bilateral intelligence of a healthy WinWin river,
sometimes warmer and wider systems
and sometimes colder,
deeper networks of cooperative exchange,
Human nature persists with LeftBrain over-heating hubris
in choosing WinLose monoculturing excess,
claiming to be the only important river of Energy
and Sacred Nutrition.

We move from Left-Right cognitive-affective dissonance
through rabidly stressed-out paranoia,
still devouring our own human and nonhuman prey,
especially our own young and poor and vulnerable,
our criminals and lazy-assed addicts
victims all laissez-faire punished
with our too-ready tolerance
of retributive models
advocating HolierThanThou 
self-righteous injustice.

As if prisons
or shackles of slavery
and racism
and sexism
and fascism
could be any more likely to lead to growing positive energy
and nutrition
within this river of society's succeeding generations
than cannibalism
led to any more value than another high protein meal.

A fascist meal
serving up a serious case of stinky shits after
flushed down the nearest toilet
polluting our sacred water
then our sacred soil
not to mention our acidifying atmosphere
of growing pathological climates,
and outside,
inside against outside,

Earth's river of Energy-SacredNutrition
still flows inside our own EgoFascist FadingSilos,
still declaring retributive holy wars,
self-righteous inquisitions of suspicious immigrants,
witchhunts against all Energy deemed unlike our nutritious EgoSelves.

and gay and lesbian and transgender-bashing
and excommunicating,
disenfranchising and devaluing,
raping and criminalizing,
denouncing and murdering,
hating and fear-mongering,
and other lovely forms of socially tolerated retribution,

Just wars
declared by older males,
but not wiser,
against younger potential upcoming competitors.

Desecrating jihads of unholiness,
populist nominations
and voting,
applause and support
for icons of defueling fear-mongering,
anti-universal health of Earth
AntiMessianic Violent Choices.

Investing in retributive guns and prisons
rather than restorative therapy and healing.

Committed to punishing all potential WinLose competitors
more than loving,
with humbling gratitude,
our cooperatively-help EnergyCommons
of humane-divine Grace,
potential WinWin restoratively active Hope,
both Left-PolyPathic and Right-PolyPhonic,

SecularLeft ethics
and SacredRight aesthetics.

Commitments to positive energy Yang
with nutritional bilateral health investment flow of Yin,
(0)Sum ecopolitics

Sometimes warmer and wider and deeper,
sometimes colder
and narrower
and crystal-clear
dense bilateral ego-ecoconsciousness

Here for mutual restorative exchanges
of nutritional living relationship
and not so much deadly piracy
and slavery
and criminalization
and cannibalism,
and sexism
and fascism
and fake religiosity
and fake patriotism

Hiding far too Real PrimeRelational EnergyDemocracy.
History of Restoring SacredLife
by toxic
pathological LoseLose Entropy.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck

Book: Reflection on the Important Things