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			I don't want to play.

			L isten: Don't 'meow!'
			O utside with you, please.
			V acate my house now.
			E veryone will sneeze!

			Y onder is a pine tree.
			O ut with every claw. 
			U nder the next shade tree
			B athe each dirty paw.
			U p to the high branches
			T o sulk and withdraw...

			S oon neighbors will hear them
			C oming round the door.
			A ll padded feet slip on
			T he cold vinyl floor.

			D inner time is nigh.
			A nyone could tell...
			R aising haunches high,
			N ow their voices swell! 

			C antankerous!
			A nimated! 
			T umultuous!  
			S ophisticated!

Copyright © Mary Cummings

Book: Shattered Sighs