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Ground Level Entry

"Ground Level Entry"

“She fits the bill”,
they say it 

visions of being 
carried in the beak 
of a bilious pelican 

where it builds
its rudimentary nest, 
it uses sticks and debris

no stones, yet,
from irreverence
thrown at it

no higher perch
than snakes and ladders
than ground level entry

the floor is plentiful
the terra firma 
more ripe and wet 

bill beds for novices
are easily fed
gathering nourishment

from the quieter
hidden species, eating 
their Rimbaud Poésies

running like writing
words in military

carrying weights 
like ants and 
the dead are fed

in the external place
she nestles habitual 
habitat social views low 

with 360 degree views
advantage high,
advantage receiver

double faults
the other world

head in clouds
as from a crow’s nest
hawk eyes virulent

the internal view 
back at ground level entry

the literary agency
delivers an envelope
she holds it very gently 

in her hands, emotional,
as if cradling whisper soft
her own sweet baby

the rejection
nuclear force ripped
apart, unanticipatory

she gets up 
on shakey legs
she learns to walk again

on another page
she hears 
them say, 

“She fits the bill,”
they say it

the advantages
of neurotic poetry 

schizoid in the breast 
the heart sings 
like belated swallow

ground level entry
rises the sword
peregrine pen held 

in the 

sharp flying talons
of swift and hungry
wedge-tail raptor

(LadyLabyrinth / 2023)

“The Belated Swallow”

'And the birds of the air have nests'... 

Belated swallow, whither flying?
The day is dead, the light is dying,
The night draws near:
Where is thy nest, slow put together,
Soft-lined with moss and downy feather,
For shelter-place in stress of weather
And darkness drear?

Past, past, above the lighted city,
Unknowing of my wondering pity,
Seaward she flies.
Alas, poor bird! what rude awaking
Has driven thee forth, when storms are breaking,
And frightened gulls the waves forsaking
With warning cries?

Alas, my soul! while leaves are greenest
Thy heedless head thou fondly screenest
Beneath thy wing.
How bravely thou thy plumage wearest,
How lightly thou life's burthen bearest,
How happily thy home preparest,
In careless spring!

Yet Destiny the hour may bring thee
When none of all that sing can sing thee
To joy or rest!
When all the winds that blow shall blow thee;
And, ere the floods shall overflow thee,
The sunlight linger but to show thee
Thy shattered nest"

(Mary Hannay-Footte)

"Little Beaks" 

A voice in the tumble clouds
deep silver crackles like thunder threads

Clouds of starlings 
Blacken the eggshell blue sky
drowns many
A little beak

Heartbeats morph
together murmurate
vacillate their minds to unify
wings that hum like bees

A dance of seduction 
envelops Blue Sky

The unseen
shatters the reversing 
unrehearsed reverie

The Hidden One
in a forgotten 

Come little beaks 
and night creatures
Daylight dares 
the darkness one last taste

Like true romantics
and dead poets 
mandolins their hearts 
strummed eternally in seasons

Like words written on the sky
dance to make love of fun
Come starlings 
little beaks

come taste 
The Golden Sun

(LadyLabyrinth/ 2019)

“The Wolf’s Pockets” 

Virginia knows 
what’s written 
in the mass of a rock
the heaviness of words
not soluble
anchored to life
that does not float

A Wolf swallows Woolf whole
Hungry for something -
“other than”  ;

what is not seen 
is swimming below 
a sharp clean surface
her dissolving shadow
found through slender fingers
wide spread and ink stained 
running through shallow waters and
swaying reeds, something forgotten
like touching her child’s hair
combed with a soft brush;  
free diving deeper
baptised, she touches Heaven
baby’s breath and 
almond scented
Erin lilies like milk,
the sweetest let-down,
she drinks it all in
ignored by charlatans all bored
with their own faux wisdom
apathy flexes fits and moulds
around a body of work
sinks in deep and dry
a sunken treasure
to be found
some time much later

bound to tell a story
that travels down stream

The Wolf’s pockets
weighted with black treasure
open wide and beckoning
arms cast wanton alms 
for plenty dreams and 
sweet reckoning

infancy embraced again
the sleep of sleeps 
and candour 
like opium is taken in,
read, edited,

silently missed 

Final Draft is written 

Read again
Read again


for my daughter

“A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.” Virginia Woolf

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth


Book: Shattered Sighs