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A Time To Reflect

"we are
All pawns in the chessboard of an
Unknown skilled magician..." (By Poet)

On a calm tranquil afternoon,
When playful chirping and cooing  
Of birds lavishly entertain my throbbing senses,
I drown myself in reverie and retrospection,
Of times past, times spent well,
And times my mind was occupied with -
The unique mysteries of a universe I will
Never be able to fully comprehend!

Birds twitter, birds croon to each other,
I watch life moving at a lulling slower pace,
Rose bushes leisurely sway, breeze converse
With the rustling leaves, clouds float languidly
In endless azure, sailboats sailing in emerald ocean, 
Picturesque, perpetual, blissful!

Life is an endless stream, a voyage to unknown,
Life is made up of impossible dreams...
I gaze at a dreamcatcher, unachieved goals
No longer make me feel bleakly miserable, or discontent,
My life is full with lilac aspirations, not failed  
achievements! Does it matter in
The ultimate scheme of things, we are
All pawns in the chessboard of an
Unknown skilled magician, who smiles at our
Arrogance, blesses all his children
Unaware of the profound truth of life
And Death!

Nothing remains, nothing will remain, 
Impermanence is the stark truth of life,
We feel elation in the tangerine trifles of a voyage...
The journey makes the difference,
Not the end!

Copyright © Malabika Ray Choudhury


Book: Reflection on the Important Things