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My Ears are Like Nests

My ears are like nests,
the thrill of sound,
surround sound of
so many worlds

the dove and the jay
the phoebe, the robin
…so many flocks

I don’t need to unlock
the meaning, it stirs
my soul, sends me

My ears are like nests,
beaks opening, my chest
heaving, relieving
the images of night
the -mares reprieving

the warbler, the wren
the skylarks, the sparrows
…so many flocks

In the Spring, to walk
upon the buoyant breath
of endless pines and oaks
to soak in the red breast
its soulful chest
rising and falling

My ears are like nests
the trill of sounds
awakening, stirring
the crown, rejoicing
in hope, succoring

Copyright © Kim Rodrigues


Book: Shattered Sighs