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Random Telephone Calls From Shanghai's Red China Etc

Have anyone of  you also received a random telephone call
from Shanghai China, not in English but in the Chinese language?

I did today but I did not understand the importance of that phone 
call that I never received until this afternoon. I thought is was an honor
and that they could contact me any time. Wrongfully assuming because 
I don't speak or understand Chinese that they don't speak nor understand 
the American English language!

What could I do but to call my American Chinese friend?
She told me that she herself also received a similar call
from Shanghai China.  It was not a phone call without
any dire circumstances. Beijing has frequently bragged
about over throwing America as early as 2025.

Red China has its internet spies targeting younger teen aged and twenty's
adult with it's very own website in the USA Ticktock. They are able to tract
and maintain constant surveillance upon our nation's younger generation.
But they also have their Chinese spy's on website that older adults also
like to use: Facebook and Twitter.

They are very carefully monitoring those popular internet sites as well.
Red China plans on its invasion of America very soon they are trying to 
find out who they can count on and who they can black mail into taking
their side against us. 

Especially our military personnel and our college students, and rich and/or 
influential Americans they can also manipulate as well as black mail which
is why they have all our telephone data basis numbers and why they are 
making random calls.  They are rapidly buying up American farmland and
other essential American property they will be quickly able to turn the tables
on us and to also use against us!

Three major American airports: Washington, New York and Los Angels were
shut down today because their airports were hacked by the Russians. Just
now they are trying to undo the damage their hackers caused them and are
slowly resuming airplane travel plans! Read my lips and mark my words.

America is in much clear and present danger than either WW 1 or WW 11
combined they are much more concerned with taking us over but Iran calls
us the "Big Satan" and wants to wipe us off the face of the earth right along
with the Middle eastern's only free Democratic country and thus far our
staunchest alley. They alone are standing between us and Iran least we forget!
When it comes to the Euro-American Iran Nuclear deal--just say no they will
spend it on weapons against us!

Roxanne Lea Dubarry

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Shattered Sighs