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boeing whats ongoing?

BOING..?!#! Its off at boeing..' the wheels and doors have
Gone..planes just; over-drive the runways, they're rivalling
Sann-yong..They're rolling in inclusions, like its for a dare!!
People choosing flights right now, for boeing they don't care.' Thery're checking in their millions, about which plane
To take..(Have they got woke on boeing?) Wow!! the realtime
Take-off joke..Its murder in the car park..' cause people
Just can't leave.' They're waiting for a different plane its
Stuff you'd scarce beleive.' Well if you knew the 70's? when
Boeing was a brand!! When quality was valued when jobs
Were fully manned.' When woke meant being lively, alert
Right on the job..' Now its eyliner at the ready where them
And they, arn't just words..Yet reflect as jokes, the pokes
Are seldom noticed, and whether pigs reside within their
Hallowed coverings.' Who really can decide.? Decide..? Is
Just the term no doubt.' Around the boeing joints, its 
Forget about the riveting.' What nail varnish? is more on point'
Do you buff nails after coffee? Or before.? Which task is next ?
Is it adjusting window seating, or arranging jims hair-net.?
Are the women really 'manning up?' Or is that term all wrong?
If you get assigned to Australia, you should check with
'Penny Wong.' Another thing you'll find at boeing' detail is not
The thing.! John Burnet went into details.' We wanted quiet yet
He would sing.!! He shouted about 'forbidden stuff ' like safety
And ethics and work??? We knew his kind, they insist on fine.'
Yet the weathers foul, well for him it was to be.' The jerk..An unworthy
Man. ! He'd had a mortgage; and' a regular wife and familiy!! he
Even said he enjoyed life.' He didn't pill pop devoid of vice.?
Well now he's dead, suicide its said..' And thats the truth you see!!
Just like flo is fred.' or june is wed to a lamp post.) at boeing 
all is as it should be.!

Copyright © Joe Maverick


Book: Shattered Sighs