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Read Redevelopment Poems Online


To Grow Peace

To faith communities
and fraternities,
and sisterhoods
and sororities,
local non-profits
and friendly neighborhoods,
and counselors,
cooperative associations,
trauma-informed learning theorists
and practitioners for resilient
mind/body peace,

Do not deceive yourselves.
Continuing to gaze and daze 
on a monotonous monocultural path

internal v external
navel v social 
my anthro nature v our environmental nurture

Is not inter-religiously wealthy
and not nonsectarian healthy
non-apartisan dialogue
about our shared not not peace
growing more active co-passion 
health care giving
and receiving safe-wealth 
more cooperatively co-invested opportunities,

does not engender political multicultural trust
and nonviolent communication
does negatively notice

Not economic co-investment communion
is not resiliently healthy,
not ecologically
or politically sustainable,
Not even resonantly safe
or conscientiously 
cooperative healthy wealth
of integrity's potential.

Monocultural silos
like food silos
and educational
and religious specialization silos
are not polyculturally successful
or polypathically brilliant
or polyphonically sung 
full choir orchestrations,
playing preludes
for peaceful
prodigiously co-arising resilience,
indigenously wise 

Discommunicative isolationism,
like a slammed door
and a higher Othering wall,
defensively leads toward strategic militarism

As surely as inclusive gathering
and regathering
expands our economic
and political 
co-invested social communion

Global consciousness
of what we can health together
and faith 
and good-humor 
for a round encircling public sphere
and safe resilience agenda,
community perennial education
learning ecofeminist theory 
food to table redevelopment

Indigenous Wisdom EarthCare planning
green co-invested implementation
and winter's global quiet anticipating
white-blanketed revaluation.

Decontextualized culture dogmas
degenerate into
sacred historical silos,
personally iconic
of paternal erections
and resilient fertile extensions
which are wonderful
for survival revival
but not sufficient
for inclusively sustained peaceful 
domestic resonant 
mindful virility

thriving reconnection,
healthy-wealth optimizing 
breathing out anthro privilege
to breathe in EarthTribe
nurturing all these
humane receiving
divine giving
health/wealth co-relationships

Passionately polycultural
multicultural re-ligious action
re-connecting Earth's vastly diverse
peak and valley
yang and yin
out and in
and deep-sacred co-immersions,
unconditionally nonviolent 
win/win co-empathic

Do not passively 
agnostically believe
that Sunday morning apartheid
does not contribute
to weekday monopolies of despair
mono-atheistic depression
monocultural dissociation
from polycultural paradise potential
sacred co-empathic experience

Not utopian,
but an ongoing global 
humane co-invested adventure
in becoming together
healthier and safer win/win outside
than any one win/lose raw surviving anthro-community

Passively hopeful minds
but reactively isolated bodies
polarizing national identity crises
continental species annihilation
ecosystemic capital-infested greed
bioregional militarized ballistics lose/lose
chronic trauma narratives can invite
win/win thrival cooperative co-investors

We could already be green
spring-nature worshipping 
renewing YangFather sun
not preying apart from enlightenment,
but a cooperative praying 
empowering yintegral part within

Glorious green Gaian
panentheistic integrity

Which cannot deceive us
into remaining in claustrophobic
marching red-fisted squares
rather than free-style jazz-hand 
outdoor wealth felt vulnerable
cooperative fire-circle dancing
for natural/spiritual bicameral
cooperative peace

In and out 
polycultural spiraling green 
regenerating nutritional circles
of good nonviolent faith aspirating
and humor spiraling
healthy climax
without resiliently wealthy control
amid safely wild repurposing 
mutually win/win cooperative choices

More resiliently peaceful communications
than indoor religious nightmare voices 
dogmatically supremacist
devilishly threatening excommunications. 

predicts severed
meaningless mortality,
furthering ecocide
desecrating matricide

EarthTribal original consciousness
within circling communion
communication sides
predict depolarizing integrity
of sacred, meaningful sensory seasons

Bipartisan reasons
furthering bilaterals
rationally felt in/out-digenous dipolar
robust wealth bicameral
bihemispheric ego-ecosystems

seeks trauma-free eco-wealth

ReConnects Global Trauma Prevention
Yang/Yintegral win/win
multiculturally re-ligious 
inside/outside sacred acts
active mind/body pursuing 
healthy climate wisdom.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs