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Read Monopolistically Poems Online


Preach From Experience

You could tell me your differences,
beat me down with distortions,
in-between fundamentally certain
of Either/Or
Yes or No
Stop or Go;
and never "and"

You also faithfully know sacred reasons
for secularized natural seasons.

You could whisper your silent discernments
in-between Both/And nuanced 
curiously growing seasons
of sacred climate doubt

I could be heard and appreciated
beyond self-graced listening
for win/win mind is also spirit

Health is also wealth
is also bicameral balancing options
for bi-curious co-empathic
communicating operations

For win/win longing nations
and tribes
and species to rebound from this precipice
thrusting forward further secularizing
monopolistically monotheistic
Earth-desecrating AnthroSupremacy

SelfAppointed Sacred Rights
to play anthropocentric win/lose games
against co-passionate MotherNature's HolyCene

Remains unhappy
with dogmatic rightwing Straight MonoTheism 
defensively Patriarchal-Capitalist 
entitled White King's English
for re-interpreting MiddleEastern 
eco-political narratives
and wisdom literature
and natural/spiritual
physical/mental nondualistic poetry

Monoculturally misappropriated
if not also sensed
internally sacred panentheistic

Promulgating polyculturally robust 
creolizing values
not whatever transcendent hierarchical
colonizing disvalues
patriarchally privileged
misogynistically vengeful 
extractively punishing demonic
dark lose/lose degenerative WuWay

The opposite of truly free
to healthy choose
Earth's final sacred Revelation

Rather than stuck in dogmatic
God's static never-changing word
Hell that burns in an eternal fire
of LeftBrain weaponed words

Yet, Earth will eventually Lose
capacity to support Win/Win juicy life
as we have outgrown Her

Yet, we need not hurry
trauma and win/lose stress
and environmental resource wars along,
distracted by inability to learn
global climate pandemic lessons

There is no resilient health care
for humans
without resonant wealth care
from nonhumans

Reclaimed a sacred WiseWoman
from her PostTraumatic Teacher
and PsychoDynamic Preacher
actively seeking EcoPolitical Win/Win Leaders

To re-member Whole Open EarthTribe's sacred
historical experience
struggling with restoring
and restorying
entropic closed 
secularized EarthScientist Demise

Yang's LeftBrain privileged
lack of bicamerally balanced
health communicating
resiliently wealthy 
post-traumatic win/win 
curiously active LeftThought,
but not negatively reactive RightFelt, 
bipartisan co-mediated experience

If I could teach you my differences,
sometimes beat down with distortions,
in-between fundamentally certain
of Either/Or Left
hopes also for Both/And Right co-passions

Yes and No
Stop and Go;
and almost never 0-sum
lack of panentheistic healing soul

As we also faithfully know 
indigenously wise 
sacred gifted reasons
for secularized 
natural shifting seasons.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Shattered Sighs