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Recipe for Beauty

Recipe for Beauty

To Whom it May Concern,
(I'm thinking God…but others say
Mother Nature is to blame. Still others believe Evolution,but to 'You’, just the same…)

At risk of sounding a ‘know-it-all”, I must submit a complaint. Your creations here below could be so much better I think. 

You made a BIG mistake when you formed me.
You're not as perfect as I thought you would be.
The recipe for human beings isn't hard after all…
If you want help, next time, just give me a call!
I could do much better, I'm a master of this art…
Just sit right there and observe… I'll show you where to start.
First the skin…Too many shades is all wrong! Too many differences that just do not belong.
Make them all beige, so no one stands out.
That,after all, is what beauty's all about!
Now the shape…this should be perfectly clear.
We don't want unsightly lumps or bumps to interfere.
Perfectly straight, pleasingly thin… watch me draw this straight line again. Just like that! There we go! let's move right along…
The hair can be short, or even long, but never curly, and always  blonde!
It's the most pleasing shade to my sight…
Anything else wouldn't look just right.
Oh! You've really messed up with every unique face! This part should never be formed with any distaste.
A sharp jawline, a small and straight nose, full luscious lips and eyes? Blue….or green, I suppose.
There now! Perfection!  
Let's copy, then repeat.
It doesn't matter what's inside….
 Beauty's only skin deep.

Disapprovingly Yours,
A deeply unique human being.

Copyright © Crystol Woods


Book: Reflection on the Important Things