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On Moral Relativism, Part I

A point of view that I first saw
back in my college years
now seems to be quite everywhere,
and that’s reason to fear.
That moral relativism
the toxic left promotes
strikes me as at the greatest evil,
and it has made inroads.
You see it in the braying fools
who claim no one should judge,
that all systems are just as good,
“Come on, man. It’s all love.”
They make excuses for people,
say, “That’s just their values.
We should respect their culture, brah.”
(Though they won’t respect you.)
The only thing they treat like sin
is judging things at all,
for if you disagree with that
the mobs all shout, “Cancel!”

But when I hear the wokies shout,
“It is all relative,”
I start seeing falsehoods the no
sane person could forgive,
For if it is ‘all relative,’
then I must truly ask
is that statement true all the time?
Then it’s objective fact.
And if that one thing’s objective,
even that single case,
than all things are not relative,
and they’re made a mistake.

But deeper than that logic trick
more issues still appear,
and in terms of morality
I think the cost is clear.
Say I broke in and raped your wife,
shot your dog, robbed your pad,
if morals are all relative
then you can’t say that’s bad.
After all, from my point of view,
these could be moral acts,
claim that it’s right to force women,
you can’t object to that!
Who are you to say your beliefs
should take place over mine?
Are we not both human beings?
Do we not both have minds?
All of these things are relative,
so you cannot judge me,
no one can say that what you think
beats my morality.

Now some see this scenario
and claim it’s quite absurd,
they counter that society
will have the final word.
That what most people agree on
will dictate how it goes,
but there’s issue if our morals
simply go with the flow.
Since society is human,
and all humans are flawed,
those flaws will carry over to
our very rules and laws.
Imagine that rapist again,
and in this case let’s say
he convinced millions of people
to see the morals his way.
If somehow the majority
felt that rape was just fine,
and passed a law to that effect
would it still be a crime?
If you believe society
can determine what’s right,
then they can say, “Let him rape you!
It’s wrong to kick and fight!”
And though that seems hyperbolic,
in some countries it’s fact,
the Middle East and Africa,
often excuse such acts.
Are the women victims of this
thus wrong to feel the pain?
After all, it’s all relative,
people gave their okay!...


Copyright © David Welch


Book: Reflection on the Important Things