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Some more Questions and Answers Q and A part three

Q:  Is it also, according to the Apostle Paul, to also become baptized by being so
      in the name of Jesus Christ?

A:  It is the Pentecostal and the Charismatic movements and churches that conduct
     water baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ.

Q:  What are the reasons for them conducting their baptisms via this method,
      instead of conducting baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son
      and of the Holy Spirit?

A:  Because they are fire baptized while they are being baptized and receive
     one of the spiritual gifts of speaking in tongues upon the completion of
     their baptism and it is biblical both accurate and also permissible for their
    baptism services to be conducted by this alternative method.   

Q:  Why do some of those movements only believed that unless a person
      is fire baptized by the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues?

 A:  While erroneously believing:  people saved and baptized, by the more 
      traditional methods mentioned  by the Apostle Mathew, in his book. 

 A:  Wrongfully believe the Holy Spirit does not indwell  born again believers 
       hearts' but only surrounds  it and that such Christians are really only 
     "spiritually dead!"  because either they do not believe in speaking in
       tongues  is for today also, or  they simply do not practice it for other
       reasons all of their  own. 

Q:  Was the spiritual gifts of both prophesy and speaking tongues suppose to
      cease and discontinue upon the completion of the books of the Holy Bible
     like some more traditional Baptist and other denominational churches

A:  No, this is not exactly accurate but prophesy's do often fail especially if the
     word of prophetic knowledge, did not originate from the Holy Spirit and/or
     the prophet was seeking only to glorify himself/herself especially for money.

Q: When will the gift of speaking in tongues really cease then?

A:  At the rapture of the church aged saints still alive and remaining and the
     removal of the Holy Spirit's indwelling of all born again believers. In order
    to have Jesus Christ transport us by catching us away to heaven for the
    seven year of the tribulation.  And so the man of  sin and lawlessness is
    able to also  become revealed to the left behind world. The rider on the
    white horse and the opening of the first seal judgment.

Love in Christ Jesus,
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954/ October Country
May 10, 2024

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Reflection on the Important Things