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Did You Ever Notice

Did you ever notice
our vampire legends
are almost always patriarchal,
sometimes even princely
and excruciatingly royalist,

While witches plot and evil plan
in coven craven circles
more undershadow than legendary.

Wizards might be BullyVampire Princes
while witches may be victimized and therefore victimizing crones,
old lesbian maidens
too dry and brittle
to become an engorged
bloody rapacious time-hoarding vampire Princess.

Did you ever notice
blaming secular vampire Trumpian Princes
shaming EcoFeminist Witches
and paranoid vampirate operatic witch-hunting
on RightWing unmediated propaganda outlets
and in intermediating cooperative networks
co-investing Real against FakeNews messages
brought to us by Vampire Toxic Patriarchalism?

Did you ever notice
naked media vampirate corporations,
Bad Ole' RedNeck
Gun Totin Boys
will become WinLose AngerMismanaged Vampirates
LeftBrain dominant
Either/Or activists
of fundamental monoculturing blood-extraction intent

Yang extractions
from witchy-wiki ZeroZone
reverse-turn revolutionary ZeroNomial articulations
of wished for WinWin futures

I welcome warm cooperative notices
from other eco-privileged Yang with Yin Wizards,
and also invite being polyphonically ignored
by OtherWise
notnot my PrinceEgo Wizardly Allie

bewitching WinWin
need not bother vampiratically over-competing
notnot so witchily ily reverse-step
against each WinWin together other

Cooperatively covened matriarchal love networks
Zero Vampire/EcoFeminist  Revolution Zones
rather than Yang Vampirishly overpowering ballistic devolution
dualdark victims no longer DNA-RNA yin-squared
NotNot ZeroZones 
still EgoOne vampirate alone

Did you notice
Vampire growing future blood and water loss
brought up by Ecoes emerging
restorative matriarchal flow-line justice 
EarthTribe family regenerational trees
for healthy ZeroZone wealth?

Brought back and re-invested
from GaianPrincess Vampirates
elder pre-bicameral
bilaterally co-arising Revolutions
in ego/ecotherapeutic justice.

Did you ever notice
inside-outside deep learning classrooms?
Filling with WinWin RedVampires
ego/eco Green bewitching
Gaian co-redemption,
health care giving restoration
wiki-reforesting WinWin justice
as RedBlooded EarthTribal
ecowitchy reforesting GreenPeace.

Did you ever notice
feeling better about our social bicamerally outside selves
Prince Wizardly naked
ego-privileged vulnerable polypaths
potentially co-operating
health as sacred integrity wealth?

Did you ever notice
EarthTribal WinWin havens,
polyphonic STEAM Green-dynamic
4D cooperatively ego-eco WiseElder encircling
prior 3D patriarchal vampires
against matriarchal y democratic ecowitches
of co-revolutionary ZeroZone dissonance?

Did you ever notice
Taoist Primal LeftYang-Right SacredYin Relationship
of polynomial wizards
singing WinLose YangEgo songs
scripted by notnot polyphonic WitchCoven WinWin echoes
Yin-encircling resonance,
Open Systemic PolyNomials
as notnot yin reverse temporal
WinWin wiki co-integrity revolutions
of secular/sacred bilaterally resonant 4D

Did you ever notice
deep learning YangWizard bodies
with Yin EcoFeminist healthy spirit minds
co-arising Green goddesses
sacred theo-eco-employable
creolizing ego-acclimations?

Did you ever notice
EcoFeminist FutureSearch Wizards
cooperating in-between
Tipping Positive/notnot Negative plans and points
for EarthTribal cooperative WinWin review
by DNA with RNA wu-wei cooperatives
speaking bodhisattva eco-proactive responses
to return co-invested lifeblood
of all four prime mindbody chakras
back through revolutionary emergence of sacred natural DNA
from RNA's cooperative bewitching green-sucking 
nutritional diversity?

Did you ever notice
temporal-spaciating Both/And
4D Open WinWin ego/eco-vampiratic closets
reverse-enculturing Golden WinWin Sufficiency Rules
ZeroZone democratically empowering
nutritional health
of robust history
dipolar vampire ego-bleeding Out
GoodWitch eating in bilateral Green tonight
every healthy EarthDay stone-soup resilience
as also bipolar ZeroZone polypathic co-invested wizardry?

Did you ever notice brilliant Yin-squared fractal light
Eulerian-DNA octave double-binding geometric
prime ZeroZone relational
reconstructing 4D international
health-wealth of and for all four prime seasons
Ego/Eco reforesting structures of reason.

If you've noticed any of these strange vampiratic
notnot healthy wealth trends,
let all of us know
as ecotherapeutically as climate health possible,

Because now I feel
like a message caught in a vampiratic bottle
still floating in a hoarding ocean
of post-vampire rediscovery
ego-ecotherapeutic co-investing healthy life forward
both Yang robust love and yin-wisdom wealth flow
out-of-bottle not yet opportunity.

If you have noticed none of the above,
then neither have I.
Just checking
from here in my disabled ego-eco bottle.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Reflection on the Important Things